The sweatdrop tag is meant to be for large, comical sweatdrops that bear a closer resemblance to something like the ๐ง emoji than actual sweat (examples include the sweatdrops in in post #1979573, post #2207933, post #2791457, post #3046589, and post #259218). However, because of its ambiguous name it has been flooded over the years with posts featuring drops of regular sweat. It is now more of a search for singular drops of regular sweat, though there are also users adding sweatdrop as a substitute for sweat.
My proposal is to comb through the sweatdrop posts and use something like comedic_sweatdrop or cartoon_sweatdrop for the large, comical ones while removing sweatdrop from posts featuring characters with more than one drop of real sweat. Once this is done, we should alias it to singular_sweatdrop and then de-alias it, leaving sweatdrop as a disambiguation wiki.
Keeping it simple, I'd suggest that the guidelines for sweat tags be as follows:
- Make sweatdrop a disambiguation wiki
- Use comedic_sweatdrop/cartoon_sweatdrop for comedic sweatdrops
- Use sweat for any amount of real sweat
- Use sweating_profusely for a large amount of real sweat (already implies sweat)
- Use single_sweatdrop for a single drop of real sweat (make it imply sweat)