BUR #4334 has been rejected.
create alias bookshelf_pov -> pov_across_bookshelf
create implication pov_across_bookshelf -> pov
create implication pov_across_table -> pov
Consistent tagging across tags and some subset implications.
Posted under Tags
BUR #4334 has been rejected.
create alias bookshelf_pov -> pov_across_bookshelf
create implication pov_across_bookshelf -> pov
create implication pov_across_table -> pov
Consistent tagging across tags and some subset implications.
In none of the posts tagged bookshelf pov is a character whose point of view you're taking visible. I don't agree with the tag's name, nor an implcation, because it's not pov.
Well, I created bookshelf pov for the trope of showing a camera angle through a bookshelf. It's not a great name, but I couldn't think of a better one.
I agree that these things shouldn't be tagged POV though. POV is for when you're seeing the scene through the eyes of a POV character, and you can tell because you can see part of their body. The "you can see part of their body" rule is important because otherwise random looking at viewer posts tend to get tagged as POV. Some of these *_pov and pov_* tags are misnomers in that they shouldn't be tagged pov, but I don't know what else to call them.
The bulk update request #4334 (forum #178248) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.