
Voile implicating Scarlet Devil Mansion

Posted under Tags

I don't know if this really makes sense. Even if we ignore that most depictions of "Voile" on danbooru are no different from your typical library, requiring the presence of certain characters, like Patchouli Knowledge, to actually warrant the voile tag, should we really be tagging a building by its interior? A hallway or foyer painted completely red is one thing, but "Voile" is just a library.

I would much rather find the actual building when searching scarlet devil mansion than a bunch of pictures of a miscellaneous library or kitchen, just because presumably it's located somewhere in the building, a fact only identifiable by the presence of those living in said building.

This is less about the library implication and more about the Voile tag itself.
According to the tag's wiki:

Stage 4 theme music of The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil is named ヴワル魔法図書館 (Voile, the Magic Library). Based on this, some of the English-speaking fandom originally believed Voile to be the name of the Scarlet Devil Mansion's library.

However, this is not canon and ZUN has consistently referred to this library as "Scarlet Devil Mansion's Library" or "The Magic Library" in official works without any mention of "Voile". See also topic #9233.

Since Danbooru took a similar stance with aliasing myon to konpaku_youmu_(ghost) because of Myon being used in a different manner in Japan, shouldn't the tag's name be changed?

blindVigil said:
I would much rather find the actual building when searching scarlet devil mansion than a bunch of pictures of a miscellaneous library or kitchen, just because presumably it's located somewhere in the building, a fact only identifiable by the presence of those living in said building.

I agree with this, and also with what UH said - if we want the tag to stay it should be renamed to scarlet_devil_mansion's_library or something.