evazion said:
I need more information, I don't know what either of these series are. Momotarou Densetsu doesn't have a wiki and information about it on Google is sparse.
Yeah, it seems there's little English language info, woops. The best English description for it was only 2 sentences long.
Momotarou Densetsu started as a late 80s/early 90s RPG series by Hudson that was popular enough to get an anime and 5 spin-offs.
One of those spin-offs, the digital board game Momotarou Dentetsu, continues to be very popular even though the main series hasn't had any new stuff for about two decades.
However, not only do they share characters, the board game also has original characters (like King Bonbii).
There's also some posts that are clearly based on the board game (post #3637241) and some posts that are generally based on the designs from the board game series.
Meanwhile, the tag history for Momotarou Dentetsu shows an effort to move the tag over to the main series. I think it'd be easier and cleaner just to have to have two tags and have one imply the other. It also gets around the problem of random posts being tagged with only the board game tag.