Recently, the artist wiki has been made harder to access, to make users add artist URLs to the artist URLs section. While i think this isn't bad by itself (especially because sometimes wikis became bloated and repetitive with the artist URLs section), i feel like there's much room for improvement.
There are artists with over 20 URLs (for example peso (cheese company), or d.koutya), and having them in a completely disordered manner is... bad.
As such, these are my suggestions:
1) Add auto-reordering of URLs
Grouping up URLs makes it easier to find what one is searching for. Something like
pixiv accounts -> Sub pixiv accounts (sketch, ...) -> Twitter -> Privatter/etc -> Tumblr -> Paid reward sites -> ...
would definitely help. Especially if some artists have multiple pixiv accounts, but they're separated between all the other links.
2) Add commentary
Being able to comment on the purpose of some links would definitely help, especially if artists have separate twitter accounts for SFW and NSFW artworks, or have personal webpages.
This is the main gripe i have on using only Artist URLs and not the wiki, since the wiki allows you to add them. If this feature is added, it will make adding links to the wiki pretty much obsolete.