
Record of Lodoss War & Mahou Senshi Louie Character Names' Qualifier

Posted under Tags

BUR #3601 has been approved by @evazion.

rename parn -> parn_(lodoss)
rename ashram -> ashram_(lodoss)
rename shiris -> shiris_(lodoss)
rename slayn -> slayn_(lodoss)
rename etoh -> etoh_(lodoss)
rename ghim -> ghim_(lodoss)
rename woodchuck -> woodchuck_(lodoss)
rename karla_(record_of_lodoss_war) -> karla_(lodoss)
rename leylia -> leylia_(lodoss)
rename kashue -> kashue_(lodoss)
rename narse -> narse_(lodoss)
rename neese -> neese_(lodoss)
rename little_neese -> little_neese_(lodoss)
rename merrill -> merrill_(mahou_senshi_louie)
rename ila -> ila_(mahou_senshi_louie)
rename jeannie -> jeannie_(mahou_senshi_louie)
rename celecia -> celecia_(mahou_senshi_louie)

Found these after I saw a random comment. Might as well combine the two series into one BUR as the wiki states, they're sister series.
Feedback is appreciated.

Edit: Removed Deedlit and Pirotess according to EB and Renim's feedback. Oh, I forgot to mention, Karla is here to bring consistency to other proposed qualifiers.

EDIT: The bulk update request #3601 (forum #173848) has been approved by @evazion.

Updated by DanbooruBot

EB said:

Qualifiers should be for ambiguous names, not short names. Some of the names aren't particularly ambiguous. Is there really any other character named Deedlit, for instance?

There are definitely some on this list that should be qualified. Parn, Woodchuck, Slayn, Ila, Leylia, Merill, Jeannie and Celecia all have at least one other character close enough to be misconstrued.

I'm more of the person that prefers short names (not just ambiguous or potentially vague names) to have a qualifier. But if anyone thought it's not needed for some of them, I will remove them.


EB said:

Is there really any other character named Deedlit, for instance?

Deedlit is a pretty unique name, the next closet named characters are named Deed, but I don't think there is similarity enough to cause confusion. Pirotess is similar, there are names that have Piro in it, but her name is unique and not shared with anyone. I have seen some sites calling her "Pirotessa Merestianna" though, but there isn't any sources I'm seeing to confirm if that is her actual full name.

Should note that the Lodoss series is already some 30 years old, so if these names were going to be reused there has been plenty of time for that already.

parn, shiris, etoh, ghim, woodchuck, leylia, kashue, neese, celecia are also unique tag name on danbooru too. There're other similar tags to them (like parnasso, etohito, oshirisu, lushiris... ) but does that count as ambiguous? Why make the tag longer when there's no other character/artist/gentag using that tag?