
"Open eyes" tag

Posted under Tags

As I've noticed a number of times, and has been mentioned by iridescent slime before (forum #160194), the open eyes tag is still being misused on characters who canonically don't have one or both eyes closed most of the time. It feels like just having the conditions for using the tag written in the wiki is not going to work since there will always be some taggers who don't read the wiki and intuitively think it's meant to be the opposite of closed eyes which can be used with any character. Are there any suggestions for a tag name that would be more intuitive?

7HS said:

"opened_eyes" might be sufficiently different from standard English to make people critically think more about when it should be used, but I'm not sure it's enough.

I fear that it sounds similar enough (only 2 letters added) that the same users will just tag it without thinking about it.

I have to agree with Unbreakable. The general problem is, that general tags with common names are tagged as what they read, not as they should. When a normal user reads closed eyes and afterwards open eyes he won´t read the wiki, as the name sounds self explanatory. Even when it isn´t. And it gets even worse, when he reads all the other open_* tags, because think about it: why would you read the wiki of open shirt, when it sounds so clear?

Even when the suggestion, that UNB made, sounds worse, it´s still a better tag to prevent the mistagging. So I would rather support a suggestion like that. A new tag shouldn´t start with open.

Guaro1238 said:

I think that it should be a rename. Open eyes shouldn´t be aliased or people will maybe still wrongly tag images with that through the alias.
So +1 for rename.

Yes, exactly this, it happened after we aliased text to text_focus, people just kept adding the old tag to posts and it converted over, it's harder to garden as well.