BUR #3285 has been approved by @evazion.
mass update sf -> sf_(owari_no_chronicle)
mass update hei -> hei_(darker_than_black)
mass update yin -> yin_(darker_than_black)
mass update huang -> huang_(darker_than_black)
mass update petya -> petya_(darker_than_black)
mass update bai -> bai_(darker_than_black)
mass update havoc -> havoc_(darker_than_black)
mass update november_11 -> november_11_(darker_than_black)
mass update urd -> urd_(aa_megami-sama)
mass update skuld -> skuld_(aa_megami-sama)
mass update peorth -> peorth_(aa_megami-sama)
mass update simon -> simon_(ttgl)
mass update kamina -> kamina_(ttgl)
mass update leeron -> leeron_littner
mass update viral -> viral_(ttgl)
mass update rossiu -> rossiu_adai
mass update kittan -> kittan_bachika
mass update boota -> boota_(ttgl)
mass update kinon -> kinon_bachika
mass update kiyal -> kiyal_bachika
mass update kiyoh -> kiyoh_bachika
mass update thanatos -> thanatos_(persona)
mass update orpheus -> orpheus_(persona)
mass update metis -> metis_(persona)
mass update igor -> igor_(persona)
mass update teodor -> teodor_(persona)
mass update koromaru -> koromaru_(persona)
mass update mutatsu -> mutatsu_(persona)
mass update izanami -> izanami_(persona)
mass update izanagi -> izanagi_(persona_4)
mass update lavenza -> lavenza_(persona_5)
Should be self-explanatory. They're one-word-only character tags that most of them are generic sounding.
They are the names I found while browsing Danbooru, if there are names I missed, please tell me.
Feedback is much appreciated.
Edit: For thanatos, when the wiki itself said "Not to be confused with:", you know that it should be disambiguated from the beginning.
EDIT: The bulk update request #3285 (forum #171496) has been approved by @evazion.
Updated by DanbooruBot