
Replacement for african tag

Posted under Tags

Black people have a huge range of appearances most often within a normal range of people, so tagging for attributes I agree is stupid. Some black people have petite noses or whatever. Anyone who actually knows black people will recognize no one actually has racist Disney film proportions.

I think "black_person" is a really simply and straightforward tag for this.

chilled_sake said:

Black people have a huge range of appearances most often within a normal range of people, so tagging for attributes I agree is stupid. Some black people have petite noses or whatever. Anyone who actually knows black people will recognize no one actually has racist Disney film proportions.

I think "black_person" is a really simply and straightforward tag for this.

I don't like "black person" because there might be posts for african culture where people are not depicted, or the case of albinos, but if there's no alternative we'll have to go with it until a better name is found. Just as long as this kind of thing can be tagged.

I wouldn´t agree with something like "black_person" because when I think about a tag like that, I would include something like other african traits, such as clothing, religion, culture etc. I don´t know if we have something like that on here, but I guess so. Just as the egyptian tag is used for traits like that. It´s more like a whole theme and not only used for an egyptian person.

So, I would rather have an african theme tag, that also includes the stuff that´s already said by Sake. At least, I don´t know if we really have a tag, that includes the stuff I´m talking about.

nonamethanks said:

I don't like "black person" because there might be posts for african culture where people are not depicted, or the case of albinos, but if there's no alternative we'll have to go with it until a better name is found. Just as long as this kind of thing can be tagged.

Why would people and culture be tagged the same to begin with? It doesn't make sense to mix those two concepts, and there are tags such as african_clothes which may be used. And as for an albino person, first of all, does such a representation exist on Danbooru? just adding the albino tag works for that.

chilled_sake said:

Why would people and culture be tagged the same to begin with?

That's how we deal with egyptian and a bunch of other tags, though that's just an issue of those tags being badly handled, now that I think of it.
I'm not strongly opposed against using african_clothes + black_person for post #1040505 and the like, but it just seems so stupid that we can't use "african" as a tag because people try to claim that african features don't exist.

nonamethanks said:

That's how we deal with egyptian and a bunch of other tags, though that's just an issue of those tags being badly handled, now that I think of it.
I'm not strongly opposed against using african_clothes + black_person for post #1040505 and the like, but it just seems so stupid that we can't use "african" as a tag because people try to claim that african features don't exist.

Well Egyptian is a specific country and culture. Egyptians by and large are arabic people, but we don't use that tag for all arabic people. I believe that egyptian really is referring to cultural aspects, not their race.

Guaro1238 said:

I wouldn´t agree with something like "black_person" because when I think about a tag like that, I would include something like other african traits, such as clothing, religion, culture etc. I don´t know if we have something like that on here, but I guess so. Just as the egyptian tag is used for traits like that. It´s more like a whole theme and not only used for an egyptian person.

So, I would rather have an african theme tag, that also includes the stuff that´s already said by Sake. At least, I don´t know if we really have a tag, that includes the stuff I´m talking about.

Egyptian isn't at all used for race, it's entirely used for the culture, historic sites, and history of Egypt.

I think it's a mistake to tag culture and people as the same thing, responding to both you and NNT on this.

Searching in other sites, by the way, it seems both Gelbooru and Sankaku still use "african", so at the very least that term should be aliased to whatever we pick, for consistency.

(Actually, i'm not even sure of that anymore since there's some valid points raised against that in the topic linked in the OP. We'll likely just have to turn it into a disambiguation tag)