
Anonymous messing up tag/artist updates

Posted under General

Someone ( to be specific) was messing up the tags, truncating them at random places. They were also messing up the artists, translating the site's UTF-8 encoded text into something else. My guess is some errant bot, although the only thing the User-Agent says is "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)".

I've restored the tags but no doubt this can happen again in the future. I would ask that people check every now and then to make sure things look good, and if you see something weird going on give a holler, either here or through email.


For how long has anonymous been able to edit tags? Since the move to private, I mean. When it was fully open, sheer size of the community corrected this kind of crap very quickly and it was rarely an issue, but with a lot less of us, a couple disgruntled trolls can be a pain.

As a sort of off topic side note/question... Do the colors next to each entry in the Tag History mean anything? I really like the look of them for no particular reason, but I have no idea if they serve any purpose beyond that?

A question: did this ever happen before, in all the years (well, ~2) Danbooru was open and public to all? It's weird that it's only happening now, at least since I've been around here (mid/late 2006)