
Tag alias: Iskandar_(fate) -> rider_(fate/zero)

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Unbreakable said:

Isn't this a spoiler?

All the characters names in FGO are always visible and aren't hidden, and like others said the show is 8 years old. I don't think I've seen anyone call him Fate zero rider other than here tbh, so the name is very confusing.

CuteBara said:

All the characters names in FGO are always visible and aren't hidden, and like others said the show is 8 years old. I don't think I've seen anyone call him Fate zero rider other than here tbh, so the name is very confusing.

There's also to be said that he reveals his true name very early on in the story.
But yeah, if this tag needs to change, the others should as well.
I'm against late-arrival spoilers though, and there isn't a clear rule about character tagging.

Unbreakable said:

Isn't this a spoiler?

Iskandar's identity was never a secret from the viewer or other characters. He announced it to everyone at the first opportunity. In fact most of the F/Z identities were given away relatively easily.

Hillside_Moose said:

I've kinda given up on Fate spoilers after F/GO clearly dominates over the VNs now.

There's to be said that FGO is making an effort to hide names now, so it's still a ?
Also, if we're going to update iskandar, everyonelse should be updated too.