
Request: Option to hide the blacklist notification

Posted under Bugs & Features

When a blacklisted image appears in your search, Danbooru displays an indicator informing you that something was hidden because it contains a specific tag on your blacklist. Since I visit Danbooru to see cute and heart-warming art, I really don't want to be reminded of r*** for even a moment, and I would greatly appreciate it if there were an option to disable that notification completely.

(I'm aware that I can block that notification element with an ad-blocking extension, but this is still a problem for me on mobile.)

Another option is to add a nonexistent tag at the beginning of a line, with ~ (OR) in front of each tag:
~StuffINeverWantToSee ~original ~touhou
~MoreStuffToNeverSee ~pokemon

Blacklist lines that are too long get cut off after a point, so you'll just see the "label" tag.

Every account has a field where they can enter their own customizeable stylesheet which will be applied to any device they're signed into. You can find and edit it under Settings > Advanced > Custom CSS style
In order to get posts with specific tags not to display at all while still keeping the rest of your blacklist functionality normal, you can include the following line:

.post-preview[data-tags~="TAG_NAME_1_HERE"], .post-preview[data-tags~="TAG_NAME_2_HERE"] {display:none;}

You can add any number of tags this way on the same line by using a comma-delimited list as demonstrated above. Note that this will only prevent you from seeing and interacting with the post preview. If you're concerned you might follow a direct link to a post with the undesired content (such as on an external website or in pool navigation), you can include this line of code to prevent the image itself from displaying:

.image-container[data-tags~="TAG_NAME_HERE"] {display:none;}

Laethiel said:

Another option is to add a nonexistent tag at the beginning of a line, with ~ (OR) in front of each tag:
~StuffINeverWantToSee ~original ~touhou
~MoreStuffToNeverSee ~pokemon

Blacklist lines that are too long get cut off after a point, so you'll just see the "label" tag.

Actually, the better option for that is to use the "-" negative in front instead. If the label is the only OR tag on that line, then that line will fail to find a match unless it finds that label tag.

~right_in_your_face ass cameltoe rating:s

That would never find a match because the label tag would never be a match. This is because when you have any OR tag in a group, one of those OR tags must be there for a match to be found.

-right_in_your_face ass cameltoe rating:s

However, that works just fine since the exclusion tags don't have to exist to find a match.

To sum up all of the different operators:

  • 1. Required: no prefix. ALL tags must match.
  • 2. Optional: "~" prefix. At least one tag must match.
  • 3. Exclusion: "-" prefix. No tags may match.

This is the way that post searches work as well.

Oh, wow, thank you all very much for the helpful suggestions! c:

The main problem is solved quite thoroughly with this bountiful advice, but I have a follow-up question, while I'm here. It's not as big of a deal for me, but blacklisted image thumbnails tend to briefly appear in the search results for a split second before being properly hidden. Is there a way to use the custom CSS to prevent those thumbnails from showing up in the first place? I'm guessing not, since if there were it would probably already be implemented into the site by default, but I suppose I might as well ask.

(Regarding Safebooru, I have tried using it before, but it seemed like there was rated-safe art that was on Danbooru but not Safebooru. It's been a long time, though, so perhaps I was mistaken somehow.)

百合媛 said:

(Regarding Safebooru, I have tried using it before, but it seemed like there was rated-safe art that was on Danbooru but not Safebooru. It's been a long time, though, so perhaps I was mistaken somehow.)

That'd be because certain tags are filtered out on Safebooru; I'm not sure which ones right off, though. I do remember that r***, as you put it, is filtered out because of a since-fixed Scunthorpe Problem-esque bug that came up some time ago.

百合媛 said:

(Regarding Safebooru, I have tried using it before, but it seemed like there was rated-safe art that was on Danbooru but not Safebooru. It's been a long time, though, so perhaps I was mistaken somehow.)

Alanis_the_Evoker said:

That'd be because certain tags are filtered out on Safebooru; I'm not sure which ones right off, though. I do remember that r***, as you put it, is filtered out because of a since-fixed Scunthorpe Problem-esque bug that came up some time ago.

The restricted tags on safebooru are these: censored condom nipples nude penis pussy sexually_suggestive

百合媛 said:

It's not as big of a deal for me, but blacklisted image thumbnails tend to briefly appear in the search results for a split second before being properly hidden. Is there a way to use the custom CSS to prevent those thumbnails from showing up in the first place? I'm guessing not, since if there were it would probably already be implemented into the site by default, but I suppose I might as well ask.

forum #132142

(Regarding Safebooru, I have tried using it before, but it seemed like there was rated-safe art that was on Danbooru but not Safebooru. It's been a long time, though, so perhaps I was mistaken somehow.)

Please note that is not the same as The former has all Danbooru posts rated safe minus the tags mentioned by nonamethanks. The latter is a completely different site that has nothing to do with Danbooru.

百合媛 said:

When a blacklisted image appears in your search, Danbooru displays an indicator informing you that something was hidden because it contains a specific tag on your blacklist. Since I visit Danbooru to see cute and heart-warming art, I really don't want to be reminded of r*** for even a moment, and I would greatly appreciate it if there were an option to disable that notification completely.

(I'm aware that I can block that notification element with an ad-blocking extension, but this is still a problem for me on mobile.)

For me, simply adding in #blacklist-box {display:none;} doesn't do much and gets overridden
This might be overkill, but personally, I went ahead and added the below

div#blacklist-box.sidebar-blacklist {display: none !important;}

Then again, I might only be having this problem since I'm 4+ years late :/