
Danbooru Ownership News

Posted under General

It's no great secret that I've been neglecting my duties as the primary admin of Danbooru. It's a combination of a stable community mostly taking care of itself, and me switching to a job that's been more demanding of my time and attention.

evazion has been a frequent collaborator both here and on Github and is someone I feel has a similar outlook to mine on the future of the site. Although I was skeptical initially, I agreed to hand him the keys for an interim period of about half a year to see how things would shake out. In that time period, I was satisfied with what I saw. Therefore I've decided to make the change permanent. Henceforth, evazion will be the primary admin of Danbooru and I'll be taking on a secondary role. He'll have much more time than I ever did to work on the site and my sincere hope is he'll continue to expand and grow the site in ways I could not.

Among other changes, the Github repo will now be hosted at and I will probably migrate some of the side projects over as well.

I'll still be around, uploading slutty boats and lewd servants. If people have questions or concerns, feel free to ask them here or message me personally.

Updated by evazion

I want to say first, thank you to Albert for everything he's done for us over the years. He's ran Danbooru for nearly fifteen years straight, ever since he founded it way back in 2005. He single-handedly invented the concept of a booru-style taggable imageboard. Thanks to him, hundreds of thousands of works have been saved that otherwise might have been lost forever. He's put a great deal of his time and energy over the past fifteen years into making Danbooru what it is today, so I just want to say, thank you.

As for what this means for Danbooru itself, nothing major will change. I plan to keep developing the site, building new features and fixing bugs. Albert has set a great example of what it means to be an admin of a site like this, and I hope to live up to the example set by him.

ltu said:

Good luck evazion, keep up the commits! - Gelbooru Admin

He is fully committed to that task. There's no :surprised_cat: about it.

evazion is God. He will be good to us. All hail.

Note: Hailing requires a Gold account.

Always that nagging idea in the back of my mind that good things will not last. Usually when the founder leaves or sells the operation off, things go downhill and gone.

Glad to hear the changing of the guard will keep Danbooru on an upward course.

Thanks Albert and Congratulations Evazion.

First, thank you for all these years, albert. Thank you for being creative, hard-working and constructive enough to create this site and keep it alive. Thank you for having been patient with the community. And thank you for being generous enough to hand over your own brainchild to someone else when the circumstances change, instead of just taking it down. I appreciate the existence of Danbooru almost as much as the existence of Wikipedia (which is one of the greatest compliments I could give to any website).

Second, thank you for all your efforts so far, evazion. Keep up the good work. I would imagine managing such a huge community is more demanding than most of the users will ever realize, and there I did not even address the tech side of it yet.

Third, what about the "ownership news" mentioned in the thread title? What is Danbooru today, legally? People have always talked about albert as "the owner of Danbooru", which I have interpreted as, "Danbooru is a thing that albert made and owns." Has this changed? Is Danbooru still just a "thing", perhaps jointly owned by albert and evazion, or albert and a bunch of friends? Or is it a legal person – a privately held company, a cooperative, a nonprofit organization?

Please excuse me if I have missed something relevant; I do not follow the forum nowadays the way I used to. But I am curious myself, and I think the people should know, too.