Just a thought that occurred to me a while back: When ordering a tag by "score", it seems the oldest posts may be underrepresented because the membership increases with age, so the number of votes does as well. The later a post is added, the more votes it gets depending on its impact. Even for extremely popular posts from way back, they only represent a part of the population at that time. In order to receive new votes, they must appear in a search.
I'm not suggest modifying the current score value, but what if we added a new property that was a multiple of the existing score and the decimal percentage of the population at the time the post was added compared to the current population? ...assuming that such an historic value exists or can be calculated?
Age-Weighted Score = Score * (current population value / (population value at date/time post was added))
Weighted scores were approached in forum #1413, but that was related to the rating rather than age.
Challenge my sanity. Go ahead.