
[REJECTED] [bulk] Tag nuke: hyur, hume

Posted under Tags

BUR #2152 has been rejected.

mass update hume -> -hume
mass update hyur -> -hyur

Reason: Hume and Hyur are the made-up fantasy names for the human race in Final Fantasy XI and Final Fantasy XIV. These tags are literally just tagging the fact that someone is human.

EDIT: This bulk update request is pending automatic rejection in 5 days.

EDIT: This bulk update request has been rejected because it was not approved within 60 days.

EDIT: The bulk update request #2152 (forum #160682) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.

Updated by DanbooruBot

What if someone wants to specifically search for art of human characters associated with the copyright? If there's no tag for it then they just have to exclude every other race's tag (or their distinctive traits,) which is very unwieldy.

Admittedly having a tag for their humans makes FF "special" compared to other franchises with a human race and fantasy races, like Granblue Fantasy or Phantasy Star Online, but that's because it gives us an alternate name for humans that can't be misused as a tag. The ideal solution might indeed be to use the human tag across all these franchises, but that would require some policing to make sure it's only used when there's any value in tagging it and not arbitrarily slapped onto non-fantasy images.

A human tag would be way too open to abuse, and an absolute pain to tag garden as you'd need to be familiar with the copyright in question in order to remove the tag for every image, as this would also determine whether or not the image justifies the tag. It's a nice idea but I can't see there being any way to make it work.

And without that, there's no reason to have tags for humans for those series that happen to have their own name for modern humans (SukaSuka is another one with "emnetwiht" - there is no tag for this, incidentally).

What if I want to find Touhou characters that are regular humans and not youkai? What if I want to find Fate characters who are masters and not servants? I'm sorry, but we can't accommodate every what-if scenario someone might imagine.

Touhou and Fate have a large but finite roster of characters. If you want to find characters from them with X trait, you can look up the names on other websites and search for them by name.

In contrast, MMOs and games with character creators have a high proportion of essentially original characters (there are some of these for every popular franchise, invented by imaginative artists, but they're much less common than in things that essentially require you to create them.) The only way to find original characters with X trait is by tagging X trait.

That said the points that this could both lead to tag overkill and a universal tag would become a mess are both valid.

I wouldn't begrudge anyone for not wanting to go to the work of creating a universal "human" tag, but I don't think there's any need to get rid of an existing tag that represents a clear and objective concept within the setting of a copyright, and is limited to the copyright in question, just because it represents something we don't currently bother tagging for other images.