
[APPROVED] Tag alias: fishnet_pantyhose -> fishnet_legwear

Posted under Tags

tag alias #16267 fishnet_pantyhose -> fishnet_legwear has been rejected.

Reason: Pantyhose is a type of legwear, no reason to separate these two. The Japanese is even the same in the two wikis.

EDIT: This tag alias is pending automatic rejection in 5 days.

EDIT: The tag alias fishnet_pantyhose -> fishnet_legwear (forum #159662) has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.

EDIT: The tag alias fishnet_pantyhose -> fishnet_legwear (forum #159662) has conflicting wiki pages. fishnet_legwear should be updated to include information from fishnet_pantyhose if necessary.

Updated by DanbooruBot[removed_tags_include_all]=fishnet_pantyhose[added_tags_include_all]=pantyhose&search[updated_at]=%3E2019-11-06

I'm not seeing that many mistags. Everything previously tagged fishnet pantyhose was already tagged pantyhose, so the alias itself didn't add anything. Any fishnet legwear posts touched after the alias was approved will add pantyhose, but that looks like a small number of posts right now.