I've put the below in spoiler tags as it may come across as rather harsh. But you did ask so I'm giving an honest answer.
Firstly, 165 deletions out of 882 uploads is actually a very high deletion ratio. More recently you have been doing quite a bit better (36 out of 426 deleted in the last 3 months, so about 30% of the deletion rate you had before that point) but this is still not a low deletion ratio. Get it down by the same proportion again and keep that up for a thousand or so uploads and then you might be considered for promotion based on your uploads. It's perhaps worth mentioning that when this thread was created the original poster had over double your current uploads, and with a deletion rate of precisely 0. THAT is the point at which it makes sense to wonder why you haven't been promoted yet.
Of course, you can get promoted for other stuff, but let's be honest here, while the tag gardening you've done mostly looks decent as far as I can make out (quite a bit of it is copyright/character stuff for copyrights I'm not very familiar with which makes it harder to tell) you've not done all that much of it yet. It takes a LOT of tag gardening to get yourself promoted based on that - doing 3 or 4 times as much as you have so far would be a good start. Having points that count against you (such as your currently high deletion ratio*) will make it take even longer.
Your wiki edit count, meanwhile, is bloated by the fact that you've made multiple edits to a handful of wikis**, including edits to just increase the size of already unnecessarily long example lists (eg. https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_page_versions/diff?otherpage=297610&thispage=297051&commit=Diff). There are also a lot of wiki page creations with no contents but a pixiv tag - while such pages are useful, this is pretty basic level stuff. If you could get promoted from creating a few dozen of them (and mostly for characters with a very low post count) then the site would be overwhelmed with promotions.
*Although, as mentioned previously, this is coming down.
**There's absolutely nothing wrong with doing this, but it does mean that the number of effective edits you've made is rather lower than the figure on your profile would suggest.