post #9000000 GET!

twitpic artist urls

Posted under General

Should twitpic urls, and in general urls to defunct domains, be deleted outright or marked inactive? It seems silly to retain them when the site itself is no longer operating. Either way, could the change be done through an automated mass-edit?

Are you talking about post sources or artist pages?

Post sources: No, dead URLs don’t get removed. We have the bad_id tag for those since we do want to keep them around.
Artist pages: Dead URLs can be marked as dead by prefixing them with -, as mentioned right under the URLs box.

忍猫 said:

Should stuff like this be posted in topic #8199 Artist tagging help? Maybe it could be expanded into discussing other issues with tagging artists. There still are occasional issues with URLs being updated to the wiki page.

No, that thread is only for artist help requests only. If there are other topics to talk about, those need to be brought up in another/new thread.