post #9000000 GET!

Kanji tags

Posted under General

There are a few cases where I know the name of an artist in kanji but can't romanize it. Even relying on Jeffrey's and Jim Breen's dictionary, even if I get a single match for a name there have been cases where it was wrong.

Therefore, I'm only going to romanize a name if the artist himself supplies a reading. For the sake of identifying the artist within Danbooru however, I'm gonna start using kanji tags. These are pretty much useless for direct searching, but come in handy for exploration or identifying new posts. If you're confident about a particular reading for a name, feel free to rename them to a romanized version.


Hrm. I understand the emphasis on getting the right name, but in that case isn't it just best to substitute a site name, or some other prominent name connected to the site?

Then the kanji can be an alias and there's always the note section as well to explain. That gets you to the person's site just as quickly, and certainly makes the name more memorable and easier to use when saving images and such.

The number of artists that give a romanji or kana reading seems to be unfortunately tiny, so the kanji tag artist idea could come to be the majority of artists, which would get messy, fast...

I guess the decision's already made, but just some differing viewpoints anyway.

I guess I'm just of the opinion that the kanji tag is better used as the alias, with something that can be remembered/typed as the displayed tag.

Because it's all well and good if you use the 'english' tag as the alias, but how will people ever know, other than the person who does it? Leave the more difficult/obscure kanji as the alias and all... but that's just me.