
Fire Emblem Corrin&Robin

Posted under General

There's something that I was reminded of when I uploaded post #3504449:
Corrin (and Robin) from Fire Emblem are aliased to female_my_unit_(fire_emblem_if)) (I only take one example because these names are quite long).
Anyway, they are aliased to this tag but if we take a look at other tags like that then we notice that female_protagonist_(pokemon_bw) is aliased to touko_(pokemon). The same also goes with [[female_protagonist_(fate_grand/order) -> fujimari_ritsuka_(female).

Since this situation is exactly the same as in FGO's case I suggest we switch these aliases to this:
alias female_my_uni_(fire_emblem_if) -> corrin_(female) or female_corrin

I'd prefer the first option, though.
These characters have a name and we should be using them. There's no reason to go with the placeholder in these cases of Robin and Corrin.

I don't play FE games, but "My Unit" seems to refer primarily to the system of being able to customize the playable character's appearance in the most recent ones. It's described as such on ja.wikipedia and pixpedia.
The direct equivalent in NA Fire Emblem is the "Avatar" term.

That said, Nintendo does have "My Unit" written very much as if it were a name on some of the official character profiles (followed by a short footnote about the My Unit system.)

In any case, if we aliased it to their default name we should use the Japanese ones, so "Reflet" instead of "Robin" and "Kamui" instead of "Corrin." As far as I know our sole exception for that is Pokemon (and only the actual Pokemon, not the human characters.)