I'm fine with in either case on this one, though to me it's "pop" (apparently an artist here). Technically speaking, there is a slight issue where soft drinks can also be things like iced tea or lemonade from a fountain machine, but soda is always carbonated.
Also irrelevant for the case at hand, but for curiosity's sake, I'll link to this. I grew up in one of the transition regions and would debate this with friends back in school.
I chose this alias because soda is the older and better-established tag. It also has a wiki page and aligns with the soda_can and soda_bottle tags. I'm willing to go with whatever, though.
Oh ok, in that case, I'd favor it. I don't say soda, but it's probably the most established variant.
I'd also move for a bulk update of pop -> pop_(artist), and add another alias for pop -> soda as well then.
Edit Err... it seems I don't know the BUR system well, since I haven't really used it since it was created. I moved the artist manually, as it seemed to be throwing an issue when creating a BUR for pop -> soda. That BUR can't be created anyway though, since that tag was never populated as the drink. I still move for the alias in any case. If there are major objections to the artist move, let me know and I can reverse it again, but it's always been typical for artists with common noun names to be disambiguated anyway.
Technically, a soft drink is any drink that is not alcoholic. I would (and fairly regularly do) use the term "soft drink" when describing things like fruit juices, when contrasting it to something alcoholic. I wouldn't tag such a thing with soft drink but then I wouldn't tag anything else with that either.
As such I'd rather see the images moved (where appropriate, which is likely to be most cases) rather than aliased.
If you're wanting to get rid of the regional terminology then carbonated_soft_drink would be the only real option - it's not the normal term in casual speech anywhere but basically every other term is region-specific, drink-specific, ambiguous or a combination of the three.
Technically, a soft drink is any drink that is not alcoholic. I would (and fairly regularly do) use the term "soft drink" when describing things like fruit juices, when contrasting it to something alcoholic. I wouldn't tag such a thing with soft drink but then I wouldn't tag anything else with that either.
Strange, in my experience, "soft drink" has been pretty much exclusive to carbonated beverages. I've never heard anyone use it for coffee or milk, for instance. The broader definition makes sense, though, as a contrast to the alcoholic "hard drink".
In light of this, I'm more inclined to ditch the soda alias, but I still have doubts about the value of soft_drink. It clearly isn't a very popular tag (most taggers just tag drink if not something more specific like tea or juice) and it isn't clear why we need another catchall tag for unknown drinks when drink already exists. Should we simply merge soft_drink with drink instead?