
[REJECTED] naked_* restoration

Posted under Tags

remove alias naked_boots -> boots
remove alias naked_thighhighs -> thighhighs
remove alias naked_sleeves -> detached_sleeves
remove alias naked_socks -> socks

Link to request

In theory, the search of [x] + nude would give out the wanted result. But actually, searching boots + nude will give out pictures like post #3297031, or post #3291417. They contain boots and nude people, just not on the same person. Same thing goes for nude + thighhighs (post #3304001, post #3302528), nude + detached_sleeves (post #3291414, post #3298422), nude + socks (post #3208923, post #3289943).

I'm gonna hold off onto naked_randoseru: since i'm not Gold i can't see most nude + randoseru posts so i don't know wether it's needed or not.

EDIT: This bulk update request is pending automatic rejection in 5 days.

EDIT: This bulk update request has been rejected because it was not approved within 60 days.

EDIT: The bulk update request #1846 (forum #151976) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.

Updated by DanbooruBot

I don't think a few unrelated results in your searches is a big enough problem to justify recreating these tags. To paraphrase forum #134250 (coincidentally from a topic regarding another naked_x tag), the existing combination tag search is more than adequate for finding the posts you're looking for, despite the occasional false positive.

Also, it's worth mentioning that with some creative tag combinations, a lot of false positives can be filtered from one's search results (provided that they were tagged correctly). The examples you posted above, for instance, could have been filtered out (again, if they had been tagged correctly) by adding -variations -clothed_female_nude_male to your search terms. Yes, this requires more than two tags, which sucks for Basic account holders, but it's intended to be an incentive for upgrading one's account.

I'm not necessarily against abolishing these aliases -- forum #139259 made a good point about how they screw up autocomplete -- but I still think tags like naked_thighhighs should remain empty. If they are repopulated, that just means that uploaders will have to remember to add yet another nearly-pointless tag.

Mysterious_Uploader said:

I just don't see a reason on why these shouldn't exist while naked_scarf, naked_hoodie, naked_shirt, naked_ribbon, naked_suspenders, naked_coat, naked_tabard, naked_bandage, naked_cape, naked_apron, naked_towel, naked_overalls, naked_sheet and naked_chocolate are a thing. By your reasoning, these tags shouldn't exist, but noone contested them.

Naked scarf is the only one of those that I could argue about being aliased away, the rest are good tags. The main thing about the aliases in your request is that they all contain things worn only on the extremities which doesn't disqualify them for the nude tag, this is one of the main reasons those tags were aliased compared to most of your examples in the above quoted post.

I'd be mildly in favour of having a naked_legwear tag to be honest, which could encapsulate naked socks, naked_thighhighs etc. for characters who are literally ONLY wearing legwear (Makes me think of that scene from Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance...) It is potential fetish material, fits in nicely with an existing tagging system, makes it easier to find the specific types for those who are looking for them, and there's no easy way of finding such images regardless of the legwear length at present. It also wouldn't cause problems with autocomplete.

I don't see any real need for a naked_sleeves tag other than that it is pretty difficult to find characters wearing sleeves and literally nothing else (which is probably rather less likely than any of the other naked_x tags, including the aforementioned naked_legwear) - and most such images are of characters whose legs are merely out of the frame, which rather weakens this use as well.

The existing naked_x tags aren't the same as either of these as they are things that either do or can negate the nude tag entirely.