remove alias naked_boots -> boots
remove alias naked_thighhighs -> thighhighs
remove alias naked_sleeves -> detached_sleeves
remove alias naked_socks -> socks
In theory, the search of [x] + nude would give out the wanted result. But actually, searching boots + nude will give out pictures like post #3297031, or post #3291417. They contain boots and nude people, just not on the same person. Same thing goes for nude + thighhighs (post #3304001, post #3302528), nude + detached_sleeves (post #3291414, post #3298422), nude + socks (post #3208923, post #3289943).
I'm gonna hold off onto naked_randoseru: since i'm not Gold i can't see most nude + randoseru posts so i don't know wether it's needed or not.
EDIT: This bulk update request is pending automatic rejection in 5 days.
EDIT: This bulk update request has been rejected because it was not approved within 60 days.
EDIT: The bulk update request #1846 (forum #151976) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.
Updated by DanbooruBot