
Upload Images from Bought PFDs

Posted under General

I am wondering if it would be correct to upload a few images from a bought PDF, the Artist is Karutamo and since just a few images in this PDF don't appear to be already uploaded, I was thinking if Danbooru Accepts this kind of sources, or if this wouln't mean the artist to become angry at Danbooru.

Thank you in advance for helping me out.

Use an actual image extractor to extract the images. Do not attempt to take screenshots or your soul will be devoured by the Danbooru demons. :P

If you don’t know how to do it, ask someone to do it for you. Feel free to ask me. You’ll have to do the uploading and tagging yourself, though.

kittey said:

Use an actual image extractor to extract the images. Do not attempt to take screenshots or your soul will be devoured by the Danbooru demons. :P

If you don’t know how to do it, ask someone to do it for you. Feel free to ask me. You’ll have to do the uploading and tagging yourself, though.

Thank you very much Kittey. I was able extract some images with the original quality and no added artifacts. But I'll research some image extractor to see if I get better results. Hehe no! screenshotting is a mortal sin. I think it's also one of the ten commandments: "Thou shalt not screenshot any given image. c: