
[APPROVED] Tag update: platinum_blonde -> platinum_blonde_hair

Posted under Tags

I'm not endorsing this tag because I'm still not entirely sold on the need for it. But if we must have a tag for hair that straddles the line between blonde and grey/silver, it might as well be something you can find in a *_hair tag search.

People will always mistag (Questionable word use, as sometimes hair color is legit hard to pin down) hair colors due to differences in monitor displays, what their eyes can see, and how they interpret what they see. What looks like silver to one person, another person might think it's grey, and another poor bastard might tag it blonde (REE!), and what some might say is (regular, not platinum) blonde, others might say it's just a very light brown (I see this a lot for Shimakaze).

I also don't really see the need for platinum_blonde, especially as it's currently used very inconsistently. For example, post #3157472, post #3191287, post #3169498, post #3242846 and post #3034848 are all tagged with platinum blonde yet are all distinctly different shades of hair. They could just as easily be tagged light brown hair, silver hair, pink hair, blonde hair and grey hair respectively. If there's no consistent usage in the way the tag is applied I don't think it has much utility. We stopped using auburn hair because there was too much overlap with existing tags, and platinum falls in a similar niche.

Blue_Trident said:

I also don't really see the need for platinum_blonde, especially as it's currently used very inconsistently. For example, post #3157472, post #3191287, post #3169498, post #3242846 and post #3034848 are all tagged with platinum blonde yet are all distinctly different shades of hair. They could just as easily be tagged light brown hair, silver hair, pink hair, blonde hair and grey hair respectively. If there's no consistent usage in the way the tag is applied I don't think it has much utility. We stopped using auburn hair because there was too much overlap with existing tags, and platinum falls in a similar niche.

Fair enough. Personally I'd tag platinum on only the 4th one, but I'm suspecting that there's actually just misuse of the tag where people are reading the platinum part and seeing shiny, silver hair and using the tag for that, and just passing over the blonde part. I'd only use platinum blonde for posts where the hair color is the shade of Yamanaka Ino's (from Naruto) canon hair.

Light brown, silver, pink, platinum blonde, and grey would be the colors I use for those posts.

忍猫 said:

Is this the same shade as light_brown_hair?

If platinum_blonde is off to the chopping board, then surely the same would apply to light_brown_hair. You would need to have a very large strike zone to accept all of the posts as the same colour.

I feel too much emphasis is given to how a colour would be interpreted in a particular art style rather than simply "Does it even look remotely the same colour as the other existing posts".

Vezral said:

If platinum_blonde is off to the chopping board, then surely the same would apply to light_brown_hair. You would need to have a very large strike zone to accept all of the posts as the same colour.

I feel too much emphasis is given to how a colour would be interpreted in a particular art style rather than simply "Does it even look remotely the same colour as the other existing posts".

More like, too much emphasis is given to what the originally portrayed hair color was, regardless of what it currently is in the image, hence the horde of brunette Shimakaze pictures being tagged blonde instead of brown or light brown. It's kind of like how people tag features that the character normally has in canon, but isn't fully or clearly visible in the image.