There are some tags I started using a few months ago and wasn't really aware of prior to using them.
A thing I noticed with these tags is that they aren't implicated by anything or not much.
The tags in question are stuff like this:
Print panties
Print skirt
Print dress
Print legwear
Print shirt
The wiki describes them as attire with any pattern.
To me, this includes stuff like a) polka dots b) stripes c) checkered d) plaid e) animal prints, f) food prints or g) abstract prints like triangles.
Well, only to name a few.
I noticed that the Print panties tag has some implications already, but the point I want to make is that print and patterned clothing is the majority of an attire (well, except shirt maybe). I also don't really see the valua to have a tag that throws all kind of prints together. Like I said above, there are at least 7 different kinds of patterns (a to g).
I initially wanted to make implication requests from stuff like striped panties to print panties, but I think it's worth creating a tag describing attire that has no pattern at all (see topic #14847).
I think a tag like plain panties, plain kimono etc. does sound easy and intuitive as well.