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Tag suggestion: use actual generation tags for Pokémon species, not game tags

Posted under Tags

ion288 said:

Should something like post #906693 have the rgby tag since the trio is rather iconic from that game?

Provence said:

It's also iconic in the first or second Pokemon movie..

That post is Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres. Just gen_1_pokemon is okay, let's not use game tags for posts like these.

Arguably, Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres, either as a trio or individually, are iconic of the Generation 1 as a whole. This includes the RGBY games, the FRLG remakes, certain anime films, the first arc of Pokémon Special, and maybe some spin-off games.

So, technically post #906693 could be tagged pokemon_rgby, pokemon_frlg, pokemon_(anime), pokemon_special, and maybe some additional tags for spin-off games. But that would not be very helpful, so we use just gen_1_pokemon. Not to mention that Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres are directly obtainable in other main games like HGSS and XY.

We could also say that all first 151 Pokémon are iconic of RGBY, or iconic of the Generation 1 as a whole. Especially some groupings, not just Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres, but also Bulbasaur/Charmander/Squirtle, Flareon/Jolteon/Vaporeon, Hitmonchan/Hitmonlee, Kabuto/Omanyte, and Kabuto/Omanyte/Aerodactyl.


AngryZapdos said:

What should posts featuring the rotom_dex be tagged with? gen_4_pokemon, gen_7_pokemon or maybe even none?

I'd say to tag with gen_4_pokemon + pokemon_sm, considering that it's still an original Rotom inside and the RotomDex is a notable feature introduced in Pokémon SM. Thoughts?

>>>> About gen_4_pokemon, gen_7_pokemon.

I prefer gen_4_pokemon.

Apparently the Rotom Dex really is basically an alternate form of Rotom, a Pokédex possessed by Rotom. (Even though the Rotom Dex basically just behaves as an object in the games, as it seems you can't send it into battle -- rotom_dex is currently a general tag, not a character tag.)

Most posts tagged rotom_dex are currently also tagged rotom (with a few random exceptions) and are hence are currently already tagged gen_4_pokemon.

I think it's a good idea to keep using both rotom and gen_4_pokemon in all instances of rotom_dex.

If we decide to start using different gen tags for each form of the same Pokémon, there are other situations to deal with that I listed at forum #143997.

You know I'm in favor of always using the generation tag where the first/normal form was introduced, so I prefer using generation_4_pokemon for all current and future forms of Rotom. Much like how I prefer gen_6_pokemon for all Zygarde and gen_2_pokemon for all Unown.

>>>> About pokemon_sm.

I think we shouldn't use pokemon_sm. The Rotom Dex already appears in both SM and USUM. There's some chance it'll appear in future games and be a normal thing in the series.

When there are human trainers together with the Rotom Dex, the post gets tagged pokemon_sm and/or pokemon_usum (or some other tag if applicable) based on the people present.

Related examples:

Also important:

  • The poketch is a DPPt-exclusive item, it doesn't appear in other games. But maybe it shouldn't get the tag pokemon_dppt either. The object does appear in pokemon_special and pokemoon_(anime). The posts still should be tagged according to the people present.

Danielx21 said:

This is supposed to convert rotom_dex from general to character, right?

OK, I did that. Now rotom_dex it's a character tag.

I rejected the request itself. (It had a typo. It called the tag *rotum_dex, but I guess it would be easily fixable through the "edit" button anyway.)

My mistake. I thought you couldnt change category if a tag had more than 100 posts. Thus the request.

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