post #9000000 GET!
Donmai (and things regarding it)

Posted under General

Illustration/Pictures portal:

Trending tag on twitter:モナコイン (filter by people you follow if you want to find illustrations by artists you might care about)

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The yet-to-exist howtopage because I haven't started jotting down notes on one yet: howto:monappy

A user in one of my chats asked about this site and if I could write a howto page about it, so here I am. I'll explain briefly what the site is, and if there's any interest as much as there was in Pawoo.

Anyways, to start off -- Monappy isn't actually a site focused on illustrations per se. Instead, Monappy is a digital wallet site for Monacoin, a cryptocurrency similar to the likes of bitcoin, ethereum, and dogecoin (in which this is most similar to). Monacoin was developed by users on 2ch and features one of their cat meme emojis on the digital coin face. It's just that, much like other sites that also serve as "marketplaces" for where you can spend your Monacoin, as per Japanese culture and interests they offer a portal for news, manga, livestreams, and, well, illustrations/manga.

You can read more about them here (site in Japanese).

The site isn't incredibly complicated to use. Just view an illustration's work page, and click on the image to view the work in full-size. If you have Monacoin to spare, you're welcome to "donate" to an artist through their work if you like it. This serves as a way for them to generate potential revenue at the cost of providing their illustrations free.

I don't think a howto page is needed until the site actually grows in popularity. But for now, it would be good to watch the development.

Will post this first and start editing so discussion starts sooner.

On an aside: Topic name look familiar? Yup. topic #13941.
