This is my first time posting in the forums, so I do apologize if this isn't in the right place or has been mentioned already. I didn't see anything covering it by title so I simply assumed not.
My issue has come up over the past few weeks where the mobile version of the website started off by only showing limited, up-close views of thumbnails to the point it went from showing four at a time to only 2. That's as far as that problem has progressed, but now a new issue that I didn't have this morning has shown up to where the image as a whole will not allow me to zoom out or scroll from side to side to view it as a full image. Instead I could only manage to switch to the desktop site each time to see the full image in question. Not even view original image size seems to help.
Below, I have included links to screenshots that I hope will help in understanding the issue as I feel I may not have explained it as best as I could.