evazion said:
These are my reservations:
- I don't know that many translators will use it. If translators won't use notes or comments, what reason is there to believe they'll use this? I suspect people would keep using check translation, either out of habit or because marking each individual note takes more effort than adding a tag.
My original thought was that by removing the existing check_translation checkbox besides the partially_translated checkbox, translators would either be forced to tag individual notes or go back to manually add check_translation tag.
I presume translators would be lazy enough (to not manually add tag) that they would either use it or simply not add a check_translation tag.
Thing is, adding a check_translation tag without specifying the problematic note is as good as not adding one to begin with. I strongly doubt anyone actually checks for check_translation tag before they fix anything.
evazion said:
I'm not convinced it will help much with getting translations checked. I think it'd likely end up stagnating the same way check translation has. Just look at partially translated: it doesn't have the same problem of translators not noticing it or knowing what to check, but it has a huge backlog just the same. That's no surprise; any time the system is "mark it and hope someone eventually looks at it", a backlog is inevitable.
At the end of the day, the only way to reduce the backlog is for translators to make a conscious effort to clear it. We did it for tagme, so it's not unthinkable. But in the absence of that, I don't see much else that will put a dent in it.
I agree this will not put a dent to the backlog. After all, it's all down to luck as to whether a translator would come across a pool where his assistance is required.
However, the current system for check_translation is simply pointless without highlighting. When it comes to partially_translated, a translator could make his decision as to whether to help or not. But the same can't be said for check_translation. Often, you simply read through a pool without realizing there are posts that require translation check.
Implementing this would, if nothing else, gives exposure to problematic notes and assist passing by translators by pinpointing the exact problematic note. No one likes to go through all 10+ notes in a page just to have a guess.
evazion said:
I think regular users will be confused and annoyed by random notes being highlighted for no apparent reason. I can picture it now: "why are notes a different color sometimes??" "It's for translators." "i don't care, change it back". Yes, there could be a setting to disable it, but that still forces every non-translator to manually disable it.
Like how the Notes tab got changed for no reason and 3 months later I still can't figure out why I would ever use it :D?
Well, rant aside, I suggest this partly so that readers would be informed whenever a translator's guesslating.
Based on the check_translation wiki, I presume the check_translation is originally there to help translators have others check on possible mistranslation due to lack of knowledge in foreign cultures, geographical locations, scientific terms, in-game references, etc. They might get the phrase / terms wrong, but it's still grammatically consistent with the Japanese's line.
But I notice check_translation is being used for cases where the translator isn't sure at all and ends up introducing dubious sentences.
(as reference, I got this highlighting idea after going through the two notes below)
Note one
Note two
Thing is, we have a weird system now where translators are knowingly adding notes they aren't sure of instead of leaving it partially translated as recommended.
From those notes, I thought it would be useful to readers if there's some indicator to tell you to take a particular note with a grain of salt.
On a separate topic, you can see in the second note that the check_translation's still there even after OMGkillitwithfire fixed the note. I'm not sure if he's leaving it there because he's seeking for a third opinion or he simply forgot. This is where tying check_translation tag to individual notes would help. If someone fixed the note and it's still unticked, then you're 99% sure he's seeking a third opinion instead of simply forgetting to remove the tag.
Since we can edit note with entering the Add Note view, it's surprisingly easy to forget updating the tags.