
Possible Incorrect Use of Post Relationships

Posted under General

I'm asking this now because I've noticed a large amount of possible incorrect usages of Post Relationships.

A past example (that I changed) would be post #2766928 that had a Parent to Child Relationship to the posts of post #2766931, post #2766935, post #2766940, post #2766942 and post #2766943.

I bring this up because the help:post relationships wiki clearly says:

When NOT to use Post Relationships
  • Any other series of posts intended to be viewed in order.
  • Large collections of posts that are too different from each other.

I just want some opinions on the matter. Should I collect the posts into a Pool named either "ひなこちゃんといちゃいちゃ by hera (hara0742)"
or "pixiv Post 63535096 by hera (hara0742)" if no post title exists? It seems like a little bit of excessive use of pools; on the other hand, it seems like incorrect usage of Post Relationships. Personally, I wouldn't put them into pools at all and remove the Post Relationships, but I feel like that's an incorrect way to approach this.

I also found this topic #9653, but it's from almost 4 years ago. This post was about parent:1466054 that also (still) uses "Incorrect Use of Post Relationships".

A more recent discussion of this subject is topic #13901. The consensus nowadays seems to favor the use of pools for sequences of three or more images. Parent/child relationships work poorly in these cases because (1) they make arranging posts in sequential order problematic and (2) they can't be used with keyboard navigation like pools can. There's no such thing as "excessive use of pools" in circumstances like this, because this is one of the major reasons pools exist in the first place.

You and the topic you linked explains it nicely. It mentions howto:pools which actually has all of the information that I was looking for. I feel like this information should be in help:pools because "howto" is like "How to make" and howto:pools isn't even on the Site Map.

I'll be moving found offenders to pools when I have free time. Felt like vandalism mass removing Post Relationships... lol

Edit: pool:12510: Here is the pool for post #2766928. I am keeping the relationships between post #2766940 and post #2766938 because they're alterations of the same image, and post #2766928 and post #2762331 because they're the same image from different sources.
