CodeKyuubi said:
Yeah, but it takes 2+ days to get back even a handful of posts. Jesus.
Yep, took me 2 days as well, but it's something at least.
Posted under General
I don't use Tumblr myself, but I've heard good things about TumblThree for batch downloading massive amounts of Tumblr content.
Is there a tag for all tumblr images that aren't the full (_raw) size images, or will they get tagged tumblr sample or replaceme? Those posts don't get tagged with md5 mismatch anymore, so I'm not sure which of my uploads are actually downscaled samples.
Most of the downscaled posts from Tumblr sources are probably not going to ever find replacements. On the site, most NSFW images and many SFW images were either flagged and hidden under Tumblr's new policy, or deleted because of the massive wave of users deleting their blogs.
Not very bothered by this. Twitter never was that ideal of a place go upload images anyway since it recompressed all JPEGs uploaded to it. The only thing to worry about is whether their transparency detection is good enough to leave out stuff that actually needs it and compress stuff that used the loophole.