Hello, I've been browsing through images and finding a lot of rough illustrations that haven't been tagged as sketch. I'm only interested in seeing finished drawings, but if blacklisting "sketch" doesn't work, I think that's a problem with the website. I've been tagging the ones that I deem to be worthy of the tag, but I am unsure about these two:
What's rough: clothes, a lot of stuff around the character, etc
What's rough: wrappings on the left hand, waist clothing piece, a lot of the torn clothing, etc
According to the wiki definition of sketch, they seem to apply:
A hasty or undetailed drawing or painting often made as a preliminary study.
Traits of sketches include rough lines, basic coloring, and left over structural shapes.
Before I start tagging similar images (and trust me, there's a lot), I'd like to ask the opinion of more experienced users of the tagging system. I'm sorry if I made a mistake up to this point while tagging