

Posted under General

Sacriven said:

Why? It's indeed a derivative work with less plagiarism. True plagiarism is when a person completely line-tracing the work of others, i.e. post #2587283 plagiarizing post #1838767

He could've said it in his description, or even tag it, there is no shame in sharpening one's skill with derivative work.
Instead, his post description is just "newbie post, not very detailed." Sounds fishy to me.

BarefeetChaser said:

He could've said it in his description, or even tag it, there is no shame in sharpening one's skill with derivative work.
Instead, his post description is just "newbie post, not very detailed." Sounds fishy to me.

He is trying to show-off for sure, but he is also trying to make his picture looks less plagiarizing. If you compare two pictures, the only 100% similar things are the pose and planted swords. You can see that the armor is slightly off, the face is not very detailed, and she looks slightly fatter than original.

Sacriven said:

He is trying to show-off for sure, but he is also trying to make his picture looks less plagiarizing. If you compare two pictures, the only 100% similar things are the pose and planted swords. You can see that the armor is slightly off, the face is not very detailed, and she looks slightly fatter than original.

Point taken. I'll be more careful next time.