I cant see any normal subject rational to reject a talented artists work such as this one from Danbooru in comparison to some of the present and past content that has been approved, in terms of quality and content. How can this be reasoned on for artwork by Toudori, kinokoutaro, and koutaro.
First off I'll just say that you should have posted this in topic #7934 (Upload Feedback Thread) instead of opening a whole forum topic about a few posts that were deleted. And the "why wasn't this approved but there's worse stuff approved out there" thing isn't always the best reason to appeal a post. I'll say that just in case.
And about your deleted posts, every one of them has been reviewed for at least 9 approvers, which is enough; and in every one of these posts there's from 1 to 3 approvers who think it has poor quality (for which they must have their reasons). Personally, I don't like those pictures too much, either. If you want more details on that, here you go:
1 post reviewed by 12 approvers. 3 approvers think post #2676205 has poor quality.
If you want some feedback as to why those posts didn't get approved, the best choice is going to the forum topic I linked above and asking there. There's also topic #8554 (Deletion appeal thread), but don't just throw all your uploads there indiscriminately, you should pick the best.
The ones with a green background from e-hentai also seem to be sloppily cut out of larger images, like post #2677138, which we don’t like. Uploading unedited originals is always preferred.
Several of the posts should probably also be tagged with gigantic breasts, which doesn’t fly that well either over here, especially the ones with breasts over three times the head size, which can be reason enough for deletion under the “grotesque proportions” rule in the ToS.
For starters, no artist's work is above rejection. Individual images are subject to approval based on our quality standards alone, not the person who drew them.
Also, while you may hold kinokoutarou's work in high regard, our moderation team appears to think differently. The number of deleted images by this artist (kinokoutarou status:deleted) currently outnumber those that were approved after submission to the moderation queue (kinokoutarou approver:any). This isn't too surprising, considering the narrow appeal of this style of art. Your example of an upload that should have been approved (post #2677161) is one I wouldn't have approved either. The subject's freakish proportions are a borderline Terms of Service violation, and the shading is weirdly plastic-y, with specular highlights all over the place. It's not particularly interesting, either; simple drawings of girls in generic sexy/moe poses are a dime a dozen around here. Our gallery isn't terribly diminished by losing one that wasn't that great to begin with.