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[Prototype] Wiki Link Report

Posted under General

Daily Report (2017-08-10)

Period: 2017-08-10T00:00:00.000Z - 2017-08-09T00:00:00.000Z

Orig NameNew NameChangePages to update
pak fa (26)su-57 (26)Rename(t-50), (su-47_berkut), (su-47), (f-22_raptor), (list_of_airplanes)

For wikis: ( ) = wiki-link, { }= tag-search


Daily Report (2017-08-12)

Period: 2017-08-12T00:00:00.000Z - 2017-08-11T00:00:00.000Z

Orig NameNew NameChangePages to update
nipple vibratorvibrator on nippleAlias(vibrator), (tag_group:sex_objects)
eye scarscar across eyeAlias(scar)
poseidon (0)poseidon (mythology) (6)Rename(saint_seiya), (god), (tag_group:legendary_creatures)
sagirisagiri_(gensou_suikoden) (9)Replace(list_of_gensou_suikoden_characters)
mutou_souyamutou_souya_(busou_renkin) (3)Replace(souya), (busou_renkin)

For wikis: ( ) = wiki-link, { }= tag-search


Daily Report (2017-08-14)

Period: 2017-08-14T00:00:00.000Z - 2017-08-13T00:00:00.000Z

Orig NameNew NameChangePages to update
jack-o_(guilty_gear)jack-o'_valentine (292), jack-o'_valentine_(cosplay) (7), johnny_sfondi (4)Replace(igarashi_hiromi)
aizawa_yuuaizawa_yuu_(pan_de_peace!) (6), aizawa_yuu_(microsoft) (5)Replace(aizawa_hikaru)
johnny_(guilty_gear)jack-o'_valentine (4), johnny_sfondi (86), johnny_sfondi_(cosplay) (11)Replace(johnny_(guilty_gear)_(cosplay))

For wikis: ( ) = wiki-link, { }= tag-search


Daily Report (2017-08-17)

Period: 2017-08-17T00:00:00.000Z - 2017-08-16T00:00:00.000Z

Orig NameNew NameChangePages to update
sato daijisatou daijiAliasW(pool 11680)
matuken1027morino donguriAliasRW(pool 12669), R(pool 5481)
kasuga39kasuga (kasuga39)Alias(wikipe-tan), R(pool 2358)
sato odorisatou odoriAlias(super_normal)
shiden-raidenshiden (sashimi no wife)AliasR(pool 9000)
meiteimeimaru inuchiyoAliasR(pool 12668)
muramasa-sushimuu (mumumer)Alias(yunomiya_agari), (list_of_original_characters)
ekira nietoekita xuanAliasRW(pool 11223)
nuebakonon (nuebako)AliasR(pool 11774), W(pool 4651)
aonekonbuichimoku (tansio5)AliasR(pool 11113)
sanpatisikisanpachishiki (gyokusai-jima)AliasR(pool 10638), R(pool 8356), R(pool 8354), R(pool 8352), R(pool 8351), R(pool 8350), R(pool 7462), R(pool 7458), R(pool 5515), R(pool 5507), R(pool 5210), R(pool 4196)
favfavver2fa no hitoAliasRW(pool 2436)
nanashiwanna! (na'mr)AliasR(pool 10543)
hanshuzhuore zhi henAliasR(pool 12407)
ryuun the returnryuun (stiil)AliasR(pool 9932)
mousoupmoupii (hitsuji no ki)Alias{list_of_original_characters}
futa4192futa (nabezoko)AliasRW(pool 5305), RW(pool 5060), RW(pool 4027), RW(pool 4654), RW(pool 4655), RW(pool 8688), RW(pool 4083), RW(pool 6644), RW(pool 6969), RW(pool 5306), RW(pool 4251), R(pool 6528), R(pool 6789), R(pool 7309), R(pool 6286), R(pool 12690), R(pool 12691), R(pool 8468), R(pool 6675), R(pool 7063), R(pool 6173), R(pool 7583), R(pool 4511), R(pool 5162), R(pool 5680), R(pool 5296), R(pool 7219), R(pool 5559), R(pool 5560), R(pool 5561), R(pool 7358), R(pool 5444), R(pool 6343), R(pool 4170), R(pool 10061), R(pool 6863), R(pool 4050), R(pool 9557), R(pool 7509), R(pool 5845), R(pool 9693), R(pool 5342), R(pool 5987), R(pool 7656), R(pool 9962), R(pool 9963), R(pool 8689), R(pool 8049), R(pool 6386), R(pool 6906), R(pool 7805), R(pool 10751)
tamutamu-ttamute (2580rs)Alias(mamikurage), (homurakko), RW(pool 6594), R(pool 4727)
akama zentamagenta (atyana)AliasR(pool 10561), R(pool 10375), R(pool 8171)
kanzaki magurotsukiriranAlias(maguro_(gulen-x))
hitsuji (hitsuji kikaku)muneshiro (hitsuji kikaku)Alias(rino-y)
yukirokuumirokuAliasRW(pool 8860), R(pool 7928), R(pool 8690)
lilywhite lilyblackkomakoma (magicaltale)AliasRW(pool 5830)
kamishikikamizuki shikiAlias(tokage_no_ou)
takekononoco (adamas)Alias(atelier_sophie)
torikariogi (torikari)AliasR(pool 10336), R(pool 10335), R(pool 9497), R(pool 9146), R(pool 8301), R(pool 8087)
kotanuki (kotanukiya)kotanu (kotanukiya)AliasRW(pool 12391)
reimei nordlingenkuroi mimeiAliasR(pool 9061)
sisikukushikushiku (amamori weekly)AliasR(pool 12187), R(pool 11439), R(pool 10987)
pesogisopeso (cheese company)AliasR(pool 9575)
vovovovtemurei (vovovov)AliasR(pool 12101)
kinugasa kaguyahinase kaguyaAlias(kaguya_k)
garakutanishiide kengorouAliasRW(pool 3797)
kinnotama (erokosei)matanonkiAlias(watachorogi_(flower_knight_girl)), (flower_knight_girl), R(pool 8848)
shiroinuchikusyoiku (ikuchan kaoru)Alias(iinuma_kaoru), (list_of_original_characters)
nankinjoutomado (mukade tou)Alias(meat_jersey_girl), (list_of_original_characters), R(pool 12029), R(pool 11138)
amano jaku (kyabosean)amano jack (paradise jack)AliasR(pool 10606)
yuriko (kkk9)kanke (yonkuma)AliasR(pool 8337), R(pool 6278)
enmiriakisaragi kokoro (hazuki)AliasR(pool 6214), R(pool 5543)
2580rstamute (2580rs)AliasRW(pool 1503)
historical revisionist (2)jikan sokougun (120)Rename(enemy_yari), (kebiishi_(touken_ranbu)), (list_of_touken_ranbu_characters), (ishitsu_kenzou), (touken_ranbu)
traptrix_coronatustraptrix_mantis (1)Replace(duel_monster)

For wikis: ( ) = wiki-link, { }= tag-search

For pools: R = pool rename, W = wiki rename


Daily Report (2017-08-25)

Period: 2017-08-25T00:00:00.000Z - 2017-08-24T00:00:00.000Z

Orig NameNew NameChangePages to update
spadespade_(shape) (669), club_(shape) (2)Replace(ace_of_spades), (spade_earrings), (spade_hands), (spade_hair_ornament), (shovel)
clubsspade_(shape) (7), club_(shape) (327)Replace(ace_of_clubs), (clubs_hands), (club)
frilled thighhighsN/ADelete(race_limitation_(lingerie))

For wikis: ( ) = wiki-link, { }= tag-search


Ah, well programmatically there are some limitations. The Replace category in particular takes all instances where one tag is completely replaced by another (Orig name goes from a count of some number N down to zero). The new names are just guesses based upon tags added at the same time that the original was removed. This is denoted by the number after the new name in parentheses that shows how many post versions have the original name removed and the "new name" added. It's usually right for the most part, but not always as shown by your reply.

However, what's most likely not wrong is that those tags are incorrect in the Pages to update cateogry. So for the above example, the Shigure and Oboro tags need to be fixed... either remove them if there are no instances, or do a little detective work and find out their current tag name.


What I can do though is add some extra instructions for non-solid tag change categories like Replace, Rename and Delete. Unfortunately, the only 100% positive name change is with Alias... :/


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