
[Feature Request] Option to move page selection to top of post listing

Posted under Bugs & Features

You can use this custom CSS (put it in your settings->advanced settings->custom CSS styles):

#posts {position: relative;}
#posts>div:first-child {top: 5em; position: relative; margin-bottom: 5em;}
#posts>.paginator {position: absolute; top: 0; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%);}

Nell said:

So, how did you do that? Did you just edit a screenshot or actually move it somehow? If the latter I'd like to know how as I fully expect this request to go ignored.

@Nell: I made a userscript to test the idea out. Install Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey and paste the following into a new script:

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Paginator on Top
// @version      0.1
// @author       evazion
// @match        *://*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

if ($("#c-posts #a-index").length) {
    /* Add a second paginator above the post gallery. */

    /* Center the paginator. */
        "font-size": "87.5%",
        display: "inline-block",
        margin: "0 auto",
        padding: "0",

        display: "flex",

SD-DAken's CSS works too. The difference is this userscript keeps the paginator on the bottom too.

Anyway, I do think this is an improvement. It lets you immediately see how many results a search has, which is a very common need. Also it makes browsing with 100 posts per page easier since you don't have to always scroll down to get to the paginator.

Honestly I think this should be the default. It's just that changing things like this can be a hard sell, since people are very used to the way the site works. I know if this were added then people would complain about it and want it optional, which I hate doing because trivial things like "where does the paginator go?" should be something you don't even need to think about.