
Why Hate Robert Hallock the truckingman????

Posted under General

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In responce to my latest negative make on my account:

You said:
thatdog created a negative record for your account. View your record.

Two things..
First post #24946, I was shorting my version of "LMAO" and noting the spiral on Takino Tomo finger looked like the spiral on the SEGA Dreamcast console.

Second post #359713, I first said in short hand "What in The Mother Fucking' Blue Fuck(my take on WTF and What The Blue Fuck{"The Green Mile" movie 1999});" also, I said "LMMF'AO, ROMF'F, PMMF'GO, & CMMF'D" while long hand explanation of this shot hand phrase and "MF'" while keeping it clean.

Why is everyone on the site wants me to "Mother Fucking' STOP What I am Doing and FUCKING LEAVE?" I have seen worse comment on thing site than anything that I have posted.

Sincerely, Robert Hallock
the truckingman.

Updated by jxh2154

It probably has something to do with your continuous self annotation. I don't personally care much myself, but I can see how it might annoy many people. Also it looks terribly similar to (if indeed it isn't) trolling.

Because you write shit.
I've deleted a bad record I gave to you just because I though you would stop with the stupid comments, but you just do it again. and again, and again.

"LMMF'AO, ROMF'F, PMMF'GO, & CMMF'D" aren't comments.
They're just shitty words that stupid people use. Sadly, you aren't the only one that write them.
Also stop with that fucking signature. Is bothersome.

FeKa said:
Because you write shit.
I've deleted a bad record I gave to you just because I though you would stop with the stupid comments, but you just do it again. and again, and again.

"LMMF'AO, ROMF'F, PMMF'GO, & CMMF'D" aren't comments.
They're just shitty words that stupid people use. Sadly, you aren't the only one that write them.
Also stop with that fucking signature. Is bothersome.



FeKa said:
Because you write shit.....
Also stop with that fucking signature. Is bothersome.

Feka, The reason I write some of of parts of my comments in short hand is the saying like "Laugh My MF'(Mother Fucking') Ass Off, Etc." are to long and take up space on the page. I have been condition by sites like "Crazy Shit(" and "YouTube( , {My YouTube site}; also, Youtube has a character counter and a limit of 500 character per-a-comment)" In addition, I have stopped signing my comments,please check both post #24946 and post #359713. The reason why I had sign my comments was the way is grew up, I was taught to be courteous and kind with writing in full business and polite letter styles. Also, I do try to write intelligently but the way my learning disability works, I have a hard time trying to write or type what I see, hear, read, and think. I hope this clears things up for you.

Sincerely, Robert Hallock
the truckingman.

Shinjidude said:
It probably has something to do with your continuous self annotation.

What are you referring to about "self annotation," Please explain and give a example.

Sincerely, Robert Hallock
the truckingman.

Your comment in post #359713 annotates itself unnecessarily (and it's not really a quality post to begin with), and you then annotated it again in your OP post.

Also your signature (as others mentioned) and previous defense of it are unnecessary and redundant.

See Grice's conversational maxims which are supposed to describe how people communicate ( I think your continual breaking of maxims 2,3, and 4 are what ruffles people's feathers.

To be clear, he doesn't really bother me, and he's not exactly *ours*, I've seen him elsewhere. But it doesn't surprise me one bit that he annoys the hell out of others. I was simply pointing out why.

homeless_homo said:
So you really were retarded.

No, I am very smart. I can completely strip down a computer to the mother board and put it all back together again, under stand most computer language, fix most to about all OS problems, network though Cisco systems machines and programing languag, trouble shoot most mechanical problems(rocketry, automotive, etc.), and etc.. My learning disability is with spelling. Also, I have a hard time writing. Basically in computer terms, my thought process, main area of the brain, is running a Dual Core Extreme chip while my writing translation process run on a 386 to 486 chip, so I think, hear, and see faster than I can write. Also, please do not write "were retarded" instead use "have or had a retardation(something slowing a person down)." I personally know people with so type of retardation that are very intelligent and hard working; also, some historical figures had some type of retardation like Albert Einstein. For all of his brilliance intellect, he had a hard time with the concept of changing a light bulb. Please note and excuse some of the missed spelling in this post.

Sincerely, Robert Hallock
the truckingman.

Shinjidude said:
See Grice's conversational maxims which are supposed to describe how people communicate ( I think your continual breaking of maxims 2,3, and 4 are what ruffles people's feathers.

Shinjidude said:
To be clear, he doesn't really bother me, and he's not exactly *ours*, I've seen him elsewhere. But it doesn't surprise me one bit that he annoys the hell out of others. I was simply pointing out why.

Thank you Shinjidude as I just posted about my learning disability, the reason I am pissing so mine people off here is that I think faster than I can write. If you all were to meet me in person, I talk in a completely different way from how I write. Also, the reason I am signing my "forum post" is that I believe that the "forum post" needs to been in a formal format and it show that I personal am posting in the forum not some who hacked my profile for devious intentions.

Sincerely, Robert Hallock
the truckingman.

Can someone just lock this thing? Please? Or at least the rest of you realize you're getting trolled in an incredibly blatant and retarded way and that replying is exactly what this moron wants?