In responce to my latest negative make on my account:
You said:
thatdog created a negative record for your account. View your record.
Two things..
First post #24946, I was shorting my version of "LMAO" and noting the spiral on Takino Tomo finger looked like the spiral on the SEGA Dreamcast console.
Second post #359713, I first said in short hand "What in The Mother Fucking' Blue Fuck(my take on WTF and What The Blue Fuck{"The Green Mile" movie 1999});" also, I said "LMMF'AO, ROMF'F, PMMF'GO, & CMMF'D" while long hand explanation of this shot hand phrase and "MF'" while keeping it clean.
Why is everyone on the site wants me to "Mother Fucking' STOP What I am Doing and FUCKING LEAVE?" I have seen worse comment on thing site than anything that I have posted.
Sincerely, Robert Hallock
the truckingman.
Updated by jxh2154