
Translating non hentai Touhou doujinshi

Posted under General

Hi,me and a friend are making hard translations of non hentai Touhou doujinshi using the translations found on Danbooru,or next projects are these,but before we can start editing the raw version of the doujinshi we need someone to finish the translations here on Danbooru,since at the mome all three of these are partially incomplete,once these translations are completed we'll use them to edit the original works,would it be possible for someone to help us?

Lunar Rabbit On Earth... What Do You See When You Jump? (Doujin) (fuantei)

The Legend of Tohno's Black Cat - (miyamoto ryuuichi)

Big Rumia Family (jeno)

Have you even credited the original translators, or contacted them to ask for permission to use their work?

Because right now, it seems like you made an account simply to make a pretty selfish request, and that's not very nice.

Fred1515 said:

Have you even credited the original translators, or contacted them to ask for permission to use their work?

Because right now, it seems like you made an account simply to make a pretty selfish request, and that's not very nice.

I made sure to include a link to the original Danbooru translation in each Touhou doujinshi i've edited,but since i've always thought that the translators were anonimous i've never thought about asking.

Youkai_Chili said:

Translations are not anonymous. If you click on notes history in the sidebar, you can see who added the translations to each page. If you want to request a translator to finish translating these pools, try topic #7805.

I see,many thanks for the explaination,i'll be sure to add the translator's name to all of the doujinshi i'll edit in the future.