Donmai Upload assistance

Posted under General


Just found that a lot of artists are using for posts.
Never new about this site before today but, artists are posting images here even before on pixiv or their twitter sometimes.
Yangsion for instance hasn't been posting on Pixiv in a while but is really active there.

I was wondering if we can integrate it into the upload system to post from the main image page and get the tags when posting?


I've noticed it growing in popularity too. I tried to register a while back but I was unable, it wanted SMS confirmation and for the life of me I couldn't get it to work. Anyone have a login/password they could share?

It would be possible to integrate, just takes some research to figure out how their image links are structured, so we can make things like artist finding and sample-size to full-size conversion work.

tapnek said:

I'm guessing this is Chinese Pixiv? Never heard of this website before. Weibo and Lofter's more common.

True i'm mostly seeing chinese artists. Some even seem to be renouncing Pixiv altogether and migrating here.

Theres blogs and cosplay portions too.

evazion said:

I've noticed it growing in popularity too. I tried to register a while back but I was unable, it wanted SMS confirmation and for the life of me I couldn't get it to work. Anyone have a login/password they could share?

Sadly, current registration form of makes user outside of Chinese impossible to register. The only member here that I know has a Bcy account is @Qpax , but even he stated that he registered on Bcy years ago, when registration form is much simpler than now.

Wish I could help you guys with the site registration but I wonder if there are any danbooru members that lives in China here? Maybe they could help with this SMS part of the registration if we kindly ask their asistance in advance? Also I love BCY because there are so many hidden treasures outta there that still havent discovered and posted on danbooru yet. However I am mostly looking through Touhou and Overwatch section. Then again most of the artists are posting their works on pixiv too but sometimes they prefer to upload it on BCY before. And you rarely get anything new here compared to Pixiv or other fanart site. Well if I am also native user of this site of course I'd prefer to upload my works to the site which my nationality belongs to just like how Japanese users are uploading their works on Pixiv or western artist are uploading their works either on deviantart, tumblr or on their patreon page.

Anyways the problem with Chinese websites are recently they want SMS confirmation to complete registration process which is the sole reason to prevent foreign people to make their ways to these kind of sites in the first place. I hope you guys find a way to break through this step and would eventually register the site.

Is registration on the site actually required though?
As far as i can find, only r-18 posts and, a few posts specifically limited by the artist for member viewership are unavailable.
If we can integrated it into the upload system the same way Nico-Nico is where, even if you can't view the image, the upload function retrieves the original image from the page.

Are there more benefits for being a member?

keonas said:

Is registration on the site actually required though?
As far as i can find, only r-18 posts and, a few posts specifically limited by the artist for member viewership are unavailable.
If we can integrated it into the upload system the same way Nico-Nico is where, even if you can't view the image, the upload function retrieves the original image from the page.

Are there more benefits for being a member?

AFAIK, members can view a work with full resolution. That's it.

And yeah, you can't get any notification when new works are posted.

Little_Nova said:

For example:
-> Right click
That is the image URL (Sample size).
Make away the /w650 part and you get the full size. Use this and change the source back at the end. If the bookmarklet is working with this site, then this procedure is obsolete...

"c04ew" is upload date, "20161112", converted to base36, and the file name seems random, so it's impossible to derive image file name from work page. Also, from a quick glance, I didn't see any available public API on, so we'll have to resort to parsing HTML source. It's not the cleanest way, but quite possible to implement, it's already been done for another sources.

Made issue #2766

The only thing I'm not sure about is how non-jpg files are handled. It's common to convert thumbnails to jpg, but then full-size link could be different.

Can somebody find a PNG uploaded there? Failing that, @QPax, can you upload a sample 3000px-wide PNG file to test if it's converted when thumbnails are created? You can DMail me the link if you don't want to publicly reveal your profile ID.

Type-kun said:

Made issue #2766

The only thing I'm not sure about is how non-jpg files are handled. It's common to convert thumbnails to jpg, but then full-size link could be different.

Can somebody find a PNG uploaded there? Failing that, @QPax, can you upload a sample 3000px-wide PNG file to test if it's converted when thumbnails are created? You can DMail me the link if you don't want to publicly reveal your profile ID.

You are asking impossible @Type-kun since its pain in the monkey ass to browser through this site but fortunately I have found this post by chance but I am not willing to upload it on danbooru since the art quality is questionable:

First Yuuka post which is 2.200 px × 3.000 px

Sample size which is 650w

Full resulotion

If you guys want to test it on danbooru then go ahead and upload it. Its traditional art and it doesnt seem that bad I guess.

Edit: Found another post 4.960 px × 3.507 px
Full res

Edit2: There is also this post #2487792 on danbooru which is in png and high resulotion format that you are looking for by the way.


Type-kun said:

Also, from a quick glance, I didn't see any available public API on, so we'll have to resort to parsing HTML source. It's not the cleanest way, but quite possible to implement, it's already been done for another sources.

I found one thing that could be useful. When you're on an artist page (e.g. and scroll down the timeline and reach the bottom there's some javascript that does a `POST /home/user/timeline` API call loading more posts.

curl -X POST -d 'uid=191120&sub=user&since=0&limit=20&source=all&filter=origin' | jq .

keonas said:

Yeh, i wrote that a bit earlier, there's no limitations on the image size. Been posting them since yesterday.

The problem is still those posts that are available only for members/followers.
Like for this

Oh. Well, that's worse. I've found ways to manually work around that, if there's a single image:

1) Navigate to next/previous image (two thumbnails on down-right, saying 上一篇 and 下一篇)
2) On the image you navigated to, get image URL for the thumbnail of the image you want to upload
3) Remove /2X2 from that url

Or you can go to artist page, find the image you want to upload among the tiles, inspect the element to find preview URL and remove /tl640 from it. Granted, that can only work for single image, but it's better than nothing.

Still, closed pages like that are ill-suited for automated uploads. Looks like sometimes not only login, but also following the artist is required.

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