Title pretty much self explanatory. It's an idea I got from Pixiv with one of their tags だめだこのお姉ちゃん早くなんとかしないと.
This would include...
1. Older sisters/brothers acting perverted toward their younger sisters/brothers.
A.{female_pervert/pervert} doesn't narrow the results down enough.
B. {female_pervert sisters/female_pervert siblings/pervert brothers/pervert siblings}
i. Would miss those pictures where the younger sister/brother was absent from the picture.
ii. It would miss older-sister/brother type characters like Gertrud Barkhorn that aren't actually blood-related (but still act like it) with the character in question.
2. Older sisters/brothers acting in an extremely proud fashion towards their younger sister/brother.
3. Older sisters/brothers known for #1 and/or #2 above acting in collusion with other older sisters/brothers noted for the same behavior, even across different copyrights.
4. As noted in 1.B.ii, all of the above would also include older-sister/brother like characters, even if there is no actual blood relation.
- 2016-11-16
- Incorporated suggestions from Little Nova
- Changed title to sibling
- Changed description of pool to be more general