post #9000000 GET!

Flag Vandalism

Posted under General

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Well, in one respect flaggers do get just one benefit, albeit almost completely of no effect to actually looking for posts to flag, and that's that their names aren't public. There is neither an option to make your name public either -- this ignoring putting @ yourself in the flag since other users can also 'masquerade' as you (although this is easy to spot by Mods).

Hopefully the 'draft' for the proposal I sent you could be worked on and posted here soon though. I feel like this isn't really the right thread to discuss flagging as a whole, and it is true that there are just no concrete systems in place for approval. It takes just one approver that likes something to approve it, but it takes as many flaggers as approvers that like the post to delete it. At least, until the month expires (but then reapproving something from a flag you previously resolved would draw eyes, I guess).

I remember in a DM Provence said to me, that he thinks whenever flags are repeatedly disputed, it's "anti-flag" vandalism. A ridiculous idea, I know, but it's just the given that approvers and flaggers can't really trust each other except for the very few that are okay with the intense scrutiny that some posts get, and will disregard them.

post #2626272 has obviously terrible anatomy, and that's why I tagged it there. But in that extreme case, I still think it belongs just because the rest of the post's technical and aesthetic quality shows. Yes, the popularity is there, but it's really just the side note.

Would be nice to have Janitor's guidelines by which users with or without approval privileges can refer to. I've treated approving the same way I've treated my own uploads; Anything more than a 5% deletion rate shows that I might be doing a bad job, but being too careful also has its faults. Then everyone complains in the relevant deletion appeals/feedback threads.

I'll stand by my guidelines on post #2634648 concerning flagged posts. And, Mikaeri, thank you for the support, I'll continue to try my best helping flagged posts that deserve it stay. Also, NWSiaCB, regarding post #2629682, like I said I don't think it's mediocre and assumed that most would agree with me. Obviously you don't and that's fine and if it gets flagged I have no problem with it. What I wanted to do was set a sort of line. The flag had mediocre as a reason, and since I didn't think so, I approved it. You said stricter scrutiny, well in this case my stricter scrutiny allowed it. In summary, I though it was good and that it shouldn't die to that reason. Now, if it was only off-topic as the reason, I would've let it go. I hope you understood what I was trying to say.
Anyways, I apologize for my unresponsiveness in advance because I'll be traveling tomorrow. I'll be signing off now.

zaregoto said:

I'll stand by my guidelines on post #2634648 concerning flagged posts. And, Mikaeri, thank you for the support, I'll continue to try my best helping flagged posts that deserve it stay. Also, NWSiaCB, regarding post #2629682, like I said I don't think it's mediocre and assumed that most would agree with me. Obviously you don't and that's fine and if it gets flagged I have no problem with it. What I wanted to do was set a sort of line. The flag had mediocre as a reason, and since I didn't think so, I approved it. You said stricter scrutiny, well in this case my stricter scrutiny allowed it. In summary, I though it was good and that it shouldn't die to that reason. Now, if it was only off-topic as the reason, I would've let it go. I hope you understood what I was trying to say.
Anyways, I apologize for my unresponsiveness in advance because I'll be traveling tomorrow. I'll be signing off now.

The thing is, Provence was re-approving things flagged simply as "off-topic" because "off-topic is allowed if it meets stricter scrutiny". That's basically a line in the sand stating that if you're going to flag anything, you HAVE to mention quality, or he is guaranteed to re-approve it. If someone is going to reapprove things based upon not having quality mentioned, and someone else is going to reapprove things based upon quality being mentioned, that's sort of a rock and a hard place, isn't it? (And.. people are complaining that things are too stacked in favor of flagging?!...)

Also, for that specific post, I really don't see why the fact that the artist has a lot of really good art is somehow a reason to also approve the unfinished doodles. Leonardo da Vinci and his apprentices famously doodled on any scrap paper they could get their hands upon, and yeah, they get preserved and studied by historians, but the doodles don't go up next to the Mona Lisa in the Louvre.

Openly talking about how you want support in helping defend flagged posts so they don't "die" speaks to the problem I have with the attitude of Danbooru in general with regards to flagging: It's as though it's a war where these evil invaders are sneaking in to murder your precious approvals in their sleep, and only by banding together in mutual resistance can all the flags be finally driven from the land once and for all. It's exactly this kind of mutual covering that practically demands there be half a dozen people ready to flag a post for one of them to stick, and, again, the fact that it's much harder and much more discouraged to find something to flag and there are far fewer people willing to do so mean that flagging at all starts to get seen as some sort of transgression that needs lines drawn in the sand to warn the invaders off.

It's a paradigm that discourages debate and consensus, and encourages that mentality of defensively crouching in your corner and fighting off the invaders.

I don't agree with a lot of what Provence did, but I do think that simply trying to normalize the use of what is supposed to be a common tool in our toolbelt was at least a positive step, even if he also managed to make it far more personal than it really needed to be and brought an unnecessary amount of backlash with it.

The problem is, I went out looking for things to flag as a bit of my own line in the sand, because at that point, Provence was practically saying that there was no such thing as an off-topic post, since there was no detectable "stricter standard" of quality. Really, put your apparently quite deep respect for the artist aside for a second, and look at that critically - is that image's linework and coloring really of the sort of quality that wouldn't be at least chancy getting through the mod queue even if it was an anime character by another artist? That's why I found and flagged it (searching the "Marvel" tag, incidentally, I wasn't looking at any particular user's uploads) to use as a test case for what flags would survive. (Incidentally, the answer was "none of them". I have had a couple of recent anatomy-related flags go through, again, probably thanks to Provence "normalizing" anatomy flags enough that they aren't "taboo" and instantly overturned, but off-topic flags are always overturned and treated as a transgression. If my flags start to sound more like Provence's, maybe that's because experience is proving making a flag like Provence's makes it more likely to stick... so long as Provence didn't immediately re-approve it because he'll bizarrely argue against people using his own standards for themselves... If you don't want to have every flag sound like Provence, then don't encourage it by immediately re-approving any flag that sounds like anything else simply because you don't like the flag reason, and not because of the image quality.)

Mikaeri said:

post #2626272 has obviously terrible anatomy, and that's why I tagged it there. But in that extreme case, I still think it belongs just because the rest of the post's technical and aesthetic quality shows. Yes, the popularity is there, but it's really just the side note.

Would be nice to have Janitor's guidelines by which users with or without approval privileges can refer to. I've treated approving the same way I've treated my own uploads; Anything more than a 5% deletion rate shows that I might be doing a bad job, but being too careful also has its faults. Then everyone complains in the relevant deletion appeals/feedback threads.

I think that if you're admitting it has terrible anatomy, but think that it has other redeeming features that add up to your subjective opinion thinking it's warranted to stay, you should at least realize there's plenty of room for people to subjectively think its quality doesn't override its anatomy flaws. For that matter, looking at Zaregoto's post #2634648, I wouldn't flag it for anatomy, but I wouldn't approve it because it's quality is borderline to start with, so I wouldn't feel any reason to step in on its defense. At the very least, simply having two approvers say it should stay shouldn't mean all dissenting opinions are rendered moot, especially when those dissenters are also given the same approval rank and given the same duty of being the arbiters of the standards Danbooru has.

Anyway, I don't think anyone becomes a janitor for not purpose other than so they can constantly worry about what will keep them from losing janitor privileges. What may be flagged should guide behavior, obviously, but if anyone cares enough and is active enough to be noticed and promoted to janitor, they have some kind of tastes and interests and standards that existed that made them interested in Danbooru to start with, and they'll likely keep pushing that forward.

Likewise, nobody has a deletion rate of 5% (except for the guy who only approved 14 posts and had one deleted, but that's more a fluke of low integers), so we're really talking penny ante stakes made over symbolic flags and approvals made about "lines in the sand" that seek to influence future user behavior more than actual attempts to purge things. I am not, for instance, going out and flagging every single off-topic post I can find, but I do want to try to break down this notion that there's literally nothing that can be flagged for being off-topic and absolutely anything will be approved regardless of being off-topic, since "stricter standards" are a myth.

It's not about that particular post, it's just that if you're going to flag something based on the colors/lines not being perfect, then you have to at least realize that it is a sketch; not that the lines and coloring shouldn't be ignored, but instead graded on the value on which they're trying to represent art as a sketch.

I upload a LOT of sketches simply because I like having them around, and I think they're valuable to artists and normal users. I've uploaded a lot of hirasato's sketches, for example. But those aren't flagged because of poor lines and coloring. If something is flagged, I think the flag reason should at least be considerate of the material at hand. It's like flagging concept art because it technically looks unfinished, even though that's what it is by design.

EDIT: And no, @NWSiaCB, I didn't mention "the fact that the artist has a lot of really good art is somehow a reason to also approve the unfinished doodles". I'm talking about just the post itself. If you somehow got that from what I was saying, then I humbly apologize but I never meant that at all.

Mikaeri said:

It's not about that particular post, it's just that if you're going to flag something based on the colors/lines not being perfect, then you have to at least realize that it is a sketch; not that the lines and coloring shouldn't be ignored, but instead graded on the value on which they're trying to represent art as a sketch.

I upload a LOT of sketches simply because I like having them around, and I think they're valuable to artists and normal users. I've uploaded a lot of hirasato's sketches, for example. But those aren't flagged because of poor lines and coloring. If something is flagged, I think the flag reason should at least be considerate of the material at hand. It's like flagging concept art because it technically looks unfinished, even though that's what it is by design.

I'm not sure who you're responding to, here. I don't see any response to your post talking about sketches.

Mikaeri said:

EDIT: And no, @NWSiaCB, I didn't mention "the fact that the artist has a lot of really good art is somehow a reason to also approve the unfinished doodles". I'm talking about just the post itself. If you somehow got that from what I was saying, then I humbly apologize but I never meant that at all.

I was referring to the comments made by others on posts like #2629682. Only the part under where I quoted your post was specifically directed at your statements.

NWSiaCB said:

I'm not sure who you're responding to, here. I don't see any response to your post talking about sketches.

I was referring to the comments made by others on posts like #2629682. Only the part under where I quoted your post was specifically directed at your statements.

It was this:

Also, for that specific post, I really don't see why the fact that the artist has a lot of really good art is somehow a reason to also approve the unfinished doodles. Leonardo da Vinci and his apprentices famously doodled on any scrap paper they could get their hands upon, and yeah, they get preserved and studied by historians, but the doodles don't go up next to the Mona Lisa in the Louvre.

I'm tired, I misread it. I really should get some sleep in. Eugh. Sorry.

I think that if you're admitting it has terrible anatomy, but think that it has other redeeming features that add up to your subjective opinion thinking it's warranted to stay, you should at least realize there's plenty of room for people to subjectively think its quality doesn't override its anatomy flaws. For that matter, looking at Zaregoto's post #2634648, I wouldn't flag it for anatomy, but I wouldn't approve it because it's quality is borderline to start with, so I wouldn't feel any reason to step in on its defense. At the very least, simply having two approvers say it should stay shouldn't mean all dissenting opinions are rendered moot, especially when those dissenters are also given the same approval rank and given the same duty of being the arbiters of the standards Danbooru has.

Anyway, I don't think anyone becomes a janitor for not purpose other than so they can constantly worry about what will keep them from losing janitor privileges. What may be flagged should guide behavior, obviously, but if anyone cares enough and is active enough to be noticed and promoted to janitor, they have some kind of tastes and interests and standards that existed that made them interested in Danbooru to start with, and they'll likely keep pushing that forward.

Likewise, nobody has a deletion rate of 5% (except for the guy who only approved 14 posts and had one deleted, but that's more a fluke of low integers), so we're really talking penny ante stakes made over symbolic flags and approvals made about "lines in the sand" that seek to influence future user behavior more than actual attempts to purge things. I am not, for instance, going out and flagging every single off-topic post I can find, but I do want to try to break down this notion that there's literally nothing that can be flagged for being off-topic and absolutely anything will be approved regardless of being off-topic, since "stricter standards" are a myth.

Yup, there's plenty of room for other users to think that. Later down the line if artists on average continue to get even better and our standards raise, I wouldn't be surprised if those old posts were flagged and subsequently deleted as a result. But as it stands right now, there are just about enough approvers around to give it the grace it needs to be active. So I completely understand your standpoint.

That's precisely why I (and Qpax, I can also safely say) took up the offer to become one of the new janitors. I just think there's some good art that sadly doesn't get approved because it's just not in anyone's tastes. It also allows me to clean up image samples easier, but that's just a side benefit.

If we're talking off-topic though, such as the DOOM post, I have no strong feelings about approving or flagging western content (which Provence in the past has grown annoyed with me for). But at the very least I will say that I think purely western content shouldn't belong, regardless of the quality of the post. This is hard to determine (we have a lot of western-inspired art from ArtStation, for example), so that's why I tend to sit on the fence on this one since there are at least some western-inspired posts that I like.

NWSiaCB said:

Therefore, ANY flag is treated as a major event, just because everyone has near-spotless records that are being "ruined forever" by the first flag. I'm not sure what kind of cutoff there should be, exactly, but I remember there is an old joke about baseball where it's the only kind of job you can have where doing it properly 50% of the time (that is, hitting pitches), is considered doing a good job. We're rather ludicrously particular if having a 99.7% approval rate is considered a bad job.

Are people actually worried in such a way when approving things? I just... kinda approve things I like, at the end of the day. I'm not worrying about whether something I approved will be flagged or not - if it does happen, I may appeal it with my reasons for approving it but that's about it. If something I approved gets deleted, then oh well. I'll try to be more careful next time about whatever caused it to be deleted, or such.

NWSiaCB said:

As for flagging something that has been re-approved more than once... why shouldn't we? Why does the onus fall so much more heavily on flaggers than on approvers? Couldn't it ALSO be a possibility that two approvers had bad judgement if there are people lining up to flag the same post? Why does the fact that multiple people are independently concluding it has terrible anatomy have to be outweighed by two people who disagree?

Just checked the image and it has Score: 22 / Favorites: 53. So are you telling me you and that flagger have godly taste when it comes to assessing the quality of picture while those 53 people who liked that picture enough to favorite them have a bad taste compared to you? That's not right and if you go on about flagging same thing even for this fact even though Mikaeri said its side note then I would call it what you say in simpler terms; abusing your powers and exploting the flagging system, that's all.

Edit: Just because you don't like one picture due to bad anatomy doesn't mean all other people on the site and in this community doesn't like it either. If you unyieldingly flag same post due to same reasons then you are nothing more than dictator who is trying to impose his ideals on others even though most of people doesn't agree with your quality standarts. It's either one side going win; the ones who are flagging and thinks they are better than common people on the site and the other common side who are dropping by the site for fun and liking the pictures just because artists created their works for fun. Remember we are not art critics or anything here and if you start to flag pictures that most people are complaining about and saying things like why they are flagged even in the first place then there is seriously something wrong with the flagging system here. People likes pictures just because they are created for public use, not because they want denizens of highly elite flagger group that critize their works and remove them from the site even. I highly agree that pictures should get deleted if they are really eye-disturbing especially in anatomical sense. However when I looked post #2626272 I can't see anything wrong the picture has good lining, coloring and composition in spite of anatomy mistakes and that's what makes this kind of picture eye-candy and its loved by common people on the site and that score is proof for this fact yet you guys are still going on same mistake, repeating that it should be deleted because of anatomy mistakes that is not even eye-disturbing. This is actually what bothers me. Flag system have so much holes in it that if you are good at with your words then you can make approves delete most of images which resemles to this post in this site.


Haselnuts said:

Just checked the image and it has Score: 22 / Favorites: 53. So are you telling me you and that flagged have godly taste when it comes to assessing the quality of picture while those 53 people who liked that picture enough to favorite them have a bad taste compared to you?

Careful with the scores and favorites. Danbooru has thousands of users and there will always be a few who like a post or favorite it for other reasons, maybe just because it has their favorite character/copyright/fetish in it, no matter how good or bad it actually is. In fact, there are some (many?) users who have so many favorites that I often wonder if they’re favoriting almost every post they see. Unfortunately, that even applies to some super-voters, so the scores can be just as unreliable. From my experience with appeals and reading (rage) discussions about flags, I have the impression that most of the userbase has either no clue about quality or doesn’t give a shit (pardon my language), especially when it comes to the much-bashed anatomy issues. But maybe it’s just a vocal minority. Who knows.

tl;dr: Scores and favorites can be an indicator for quality, but I don’t think they should be dragged into discussions as objective arguments or even any argument at all.

I could be wrong but I think there's many people who come to Danbooru because it's an image repository, and they're either unaware or don't care about the quality standards that differ from others like Gelbooru or Sankaku. Those standards are also the very reason some people don't like this site, either - because they're very disregarding about quality if it appeals to their particular interest of what they're looking for.

Similarly, from what I've seen, ecchi/suggestive pictures generally gather a lot of likes and favourites rather independently from quality. The reasons can be many; maybe people have a bigger interest in suggestive pictures, maybe people are less regarding about anatomy when the theme appeals to them, maybe people are just less regarding in general...
Honestly, the picture has sweet colouring but the back/hips anatomy flat out kills it for me.

Haselnuts said:

Just checked the image and it has Score: 22 / Favorites: 53. So are you telling me you and that flagger have godly taste when it comes to assessing the quality of picture while those 53 people who liked that picture enough to favorite them have a bad taste compared to you? That's not right and if you go on about flagging same thing even for this fact even though Mikaeri said its side note then I would call it what you say in simpler terms; abusing your powers and exploting the flagging system, that's all.

The score system really shouldn't be (and rarely is) regarded at all, especially when approving posts, since in the first three days, those scores are going to be in an extreme state of flux. (When you see something in the mod queue after it's only been on Danbooru for an hour, and an image might have a -1 score then, but have a 14 score two weeks later.)

I've used this example a lot recently, so why not again: This image and its child are virtually identical posts, but for the "bra layer" being transparent on one. One of those images, however (and you can guess which one without even looking) has a score significantly higher than the other. At the time of my first using it as an example, the scores were 1 and 10, respectively. Logically, if we're approving by score, shouldn't that mean we approve the topless one, and let the one with the bra on be deleted, even though there's no rational reason why the parent post should be deleted if the child is good enough?

The same goes for a wide variety of other conditions that have very little to do with actual quality or even whether people enjoy the post as part of Danbooru. Anything in a pool is likely to get less individual score because most score is by favorites, and who favorites every single page in a pool? Anything with a popular copyright (I.E. Touhou, KanColle, Fate, etc.) will have massively more views, and therefore higher score. Even among the same artist with consistent quality, the one image with a pantyshot will get twice the favorites, etc.

The system also incentivizes raising scores (by accident, via favorites), but does nothing to actually incentivize giving negative scores to things you don't like... and why are you going out looking for things you don't like just to give it negative scores (which don't matter, anyway) in the first place? Hence, there's an inherent bias towards anything that draws more views getting a higher score, even if it's severely controversial, since score really only goes up unless it's so terrible it's universally reviled, while low-view images have scores closer to zero, which is the functional floor.

Oh, and let's not forget that basic members don't affect score, only gold+ users do... so we're also talking about a bias towards those images favored by those who either contribute enough to get promoted on their own, or those who are willing to spend $20 to get the ability to see the loli images.

There's also the fact that favorites don't necessarily need to mean they like something. I know I've favorited things just because I wanted to 'bookmark' a conversation in the comments section before, and I similarly 'bookmark' where I am in pools that way.

Haselnuts said:

Edit: Just because you don't like one picture due to bad anatomy doesn't mean all other people on the site and in this community doesn't like it either. If you unyieldingly flag same post due to same reasons then you are nothing more than dictator who is trying to impose his ideals on others even though most of people doesn't agree with your quality standarts. It's either one side going win; the ones who are flagging and thinks they are better than common people on the site and the other common side who are dropping by the site for fun and liking the pictures just because artists created their works for fun. Remember we are not art critics or anything here and if you start to flag pictures that most people are complaining about and saying things like why they are flagged even in the first place then there is seriously something wrong with the flagging system here. People likes pictures just because they are created for public use, not because they want denizens of highly elite flagger group that critize their works and remove them from the site even. I highly agree that pictures should get deleted if they are really eye-disturbing especially in anatomical sense. However when I looked post #2626272 I can't see anything wrong the picture has good lining, coloring and composition in spite of anatomy mistakes and that's what makes this kind of picture eye-candy and its loved by common people on the site and that score is proof for this fact yet you guys are still going on same mistake, repeating that it should be deleted because of anatomy mistakes that is not even eye-disturbing. This is actually what bothers me. Flag system have so much holes in it that if you are good at with your words then you can make approves delete most of images which resemles to this post in this site.

Really, now?

If anything, isn't letting each moderator have their vote on the matter a little more, you know... democratic (well, a representative democracy, at least) than making it so that the first person who makes their own arbitrary declaration always gets their way? Isn't that a little closer to a dictatorship?

Anyway, Danbooru has a moderation system for a reason. I was promoted to have approver powers for the specific purpose of using my judgement to sort through what is and is not good enough art on Danbooru. If you have a problem with that judgement being exercised at all, you really have a problem with Danbooru, not me... but that's really not what you're going after, is it? You're mad about ONE image being flagged, but making sweeping claims about how there is an unstoppable horde of flagging tyranny pouring through the borders.

And again, virtually NOTHING that isn't a sample actually gets deleted around here, so these paranoid conspiracy theories about the ease of flagging are just baseless. (You're complaining about the "dictatorship" that "delete most of the images on this site" about a flag that was already overturned a day before you posted. That's some iron-fisted tyranny crushing into you if you didn't even realize it happened until it was already gone.)

Thanks for thinking my writing skills are so persuasive as to move otherwise unmovable opinions, but again, the problem I just highlighted was how one approver said he would instantly re-approve any flag that didn't mention quality, and another janitor saying that he instantly re-approved it because the flag DID mention quality. That takes some pretty fantastical writing skills to write a flag so persuasive that they overcome the need to square a circle.

Flandre5carlet said:

I could be wrong but I think there's many people who come to Danbooru because it's an image repository, and they're either unaware or don't care about the quality standards that differ from others like Gelbooru or Sankaku. Those standards are also the very reason some people don't like this site, either - because they're very disregarding about quality if it appeals to their particular interest of what they're looking for.

Similarly, from what I've seen, ecchi/suggestive pictures generally gather a lot of likes and favourites rather independently from quality. The reasons can be many; maybe people have a bigger interest in suggestive pictures, maybe people are less regarding about anatomy when the theme appeals to them, maybe people are just less regarding in general...
Honestly, the picture has sweet colouring but the back/hips anatomy flat out kills it for me.

Well, according to that poll that Albert had conducted, most users appreciate the quality standards, moderation, and the tagging system.

A bulk of users are say they are primarily looking at the more pornographic images, which seems a bit odd, because looking at the data says "Safe" images are uploaded more frequently than "Questionable" or "Extreme" by an order of magnitude.

That data lends circumstantial evidence about what I tend to suspect about Danbooru's userbase, which is that most users (as a percentage of people who ever visit the site) are very infrequent visitors who just look at the best porn of the fetishes they desire we have on tap, then log off for weeks or months at a time, while there is a core few users who are regulars (that means us, the people who give enough of a shit to read the forums) who are doing the bulk of the uploading, are the approvers and/or the translators, and are more likely to view things that are uploaded daily or weekly, and like the soft-translated webcomics and doujins, or at least the non-porn art that tends to be in pools. Just looking at what's being uploaded, users with automatically approved uploads are a tiny fraction of users, but make up over half of uploads on any given day. Even among the rest, I see an awful lot of the "regulars" making uploads in the mod queue.

I know I, myself, lurked Danbooru without uploading anything, just occasionally looking at Touhou art for the first few years I was technically a member, but then I started reading the daily webcomics, and became a daily reader for a couple years, and then I started uploading a couple years after that, and then I was promoted to approver. And I really only look at the same ol' "picture of a girl with big boogs" stuff only when I'm approving, nowadays...

So I have to ask, really, what metric of "who uses Danbooru most" should we be using? Should ten users who only show up for fifteen minutes about once every other month really outweigh the person who uses Danbooru an hour or two every day, and is taking the time to upload the content that actually attracts those others? Who is it that Danbooru's systems should really be built to encourage, the occasional browser, or the people that actually put the bait in the traps, as it were?

Not that it really needs to come to a head-to-head contest, this has obviously been a functional symbiotic relationship for over a decade for Danbooru to have worked as it does this long, but this notion of protecting a "silent majority" who conveniently appears to make one side of an argument or the other seem like it has more support as needed is a little dubious.

Besides that, just consider other sites like Wikipedia for a moment... most regular users don't care about what goes into making most of the Wikipedia pages or care about how a source was cited or any of that other stuff, but the whole site relies upon a notion that the information is at least reasonably likely to be accurate and fairly without bias. In other words, most people don't think about all the work being done on the page behind the scene unless there's a problem. And most people don't really care or think about the moderation process on Danbooru... but they do start thinking about it if there starts to be a lot of material they object to for one reason or the other. I remember a serious backlash against guro that occurred as fallout from one artist drawing Alice Margatroid being sliced by a razor which wound up with a pretty large user-pushed flagging purge. Again, it's part of the governing by inertia that Danbooru rests upon that things are small pushes and nudges up until it makes enough people angry that it's suddenly a stampede, and there needs to be a better way of releasing the stress before it hits critical levels.


Why are seemingly decent pieces of art being flagged by a Janitor+ for quality check and sample without the original having been uploaded first? Upload the 'original' and send it through queue to test the quality check instead of just throwing around flags at images with unpopular subject matter (e.g boys only).

Because someone thought the quality wasn't good enough to upload. That might change for one of the approvers or for any user with unrestricted uploads that happens to see it in the flagged queue.

What would be considered 'decent' to one person might be just horribly bland and unappealing to another. It could just be the subject matter, but if a Janitor thought it okay to be here then it's safe to assume that they would go ahead and replace it.

That being said, if a user with unrestricted uploads thought it was acceptable, then they're free to replace it.

Bland and unappealing subject matter should not be reason to flag an image for art quality. As with Provence, there are some flags I agree with on the quality aspect, and on others I think to myself "where is the quality issue?" I get the impression that someone is flagging based on their own likes and dislikes, and I think that constitutes flag abuse.


But as follows in image sample: if you believe such a sample does not (follow quality guidelines), flag it instead. Admittedly it is more of a popularity contest than anything, but I would argue that subject matter is part of an image's quality. After all, it is a metric by which some Janitors choose to approve and upload things.

If someone else thinks its acceptable, then they're welcome to replace it and test it in the blue queue. We can always go back and find the originals to replace if needed.

Mikaeri said:

That being said, if a user with unrestricted uploads thought it was acceptable, then they're free to replace it.

Noticed my deleted count went up by a few due to this sample flagging, and found two more of my old uploads that fell into that category. I don't remember doing anything different from then til now uploading from twitter, but the process is still click the picture -> open image in new tab -> bookmarklet upload that one with the "large" qualifier, yes?

For what it's worth, the new size is slightly bigger than the currently existing one.

Just double checking so I don't upload another sample or whatever and get it flagged again.

@recklessfirex Erm, not quite. The easiest way is to just use the bookmarklet on the twitter HTML page (help:bookmarklet). The next easiest way is to use it by opening the image in a new tab, appending :orig to the end, and then using the bookmarklet, but you shouldn't have to do this.

There's more information that you can read up in howto:twitter. Expand the box for more details on how to upload and source correctly.

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