post #9000000 GET!

[Userscript] Danbooru EX

Posted under General

I replaced the mode menu in favor of tag scripts + metatags:

  • To mass unfavorite posts: switch to tag script mode (hotkey: 1), set your script to -fav:<your_name>, select the posts to unfav, then click apply (hotkey: shift+A).
  • To favorite posts: as above, with fav:<your_name> as your tag script.
  • Another way to favorite posts: switch to preview mode (hotkey: tilde), click a thumbnail, then hit F to fav it. (I may not have released this feature yet. Can't remember).
  • Use ctrl+A to select all posts on the page. This lets you mass unfavorite posts quickly.
  • Keep fav:<name> as tag script #1 and -fav:<name> as tag script #2. Then you can quickly switch to favorite/unfavorite mode with the 1 or 2 hotkeys.
  • You can vote on posts using upvote:<name>/downvote:<name>.


I'll just go ahead and post the development version I've been sitting on. It has a bunch of new things that I can no longer remember. I probably broke a lot of other things too. Caveat emptor. I've been meaning to clean it up for a proper release for a long time now, but I just haven't been able to find the time.

It's not abandoned, I still use it myself, it's just that these days I've been spending what free time I have working on the site itself.

Trying opening the dev console (hit F12) and checking if there are any errors listed there.

evazion said:

It's not abandoned, I still use it myself, it's just that these days I've been spending what free time I have working on the site itself.

Trying opening the dev console (hit F12) and checking if there are any errors listed there.

No error at all shown with either firebug or the inline palemoon console.

Edit: works fine with chromium, I guess it's just not compatible with palemoon for some reason. Ah well.


I've got a minor issue with DanbooruEX.
DanbooruEX has its own header that is pasted on top of the normal Danbooru header, which is mostly fine, because the DanbooruEX header has everything that the normal Danbooru header has, just with some extra stuff as well.
Except the DanbooruEX header also covers up the news feed at the very top of the screen (and because the normal Danbooru header is brought downwards a little bit by the news, the bottom of the normal Danbooru header peeks out a bit from the bottom, which just looks clunky). If I want to see the news, I have to turn off DanbooruEX.
Here's a picture of the result. It looks clunky, and it looks clunky because it's covering up something that it's not supposed to cover up.

AncientJumper said:

I tried using this script but the mode panel is missing along with the 'Go' button cut it half, In EX settings 'Enable Mode Menu' has been checked.
Thumbnails also do not preview on hover instead tags are shown like in vanilla.

Because of issue #3795, many user scripts were broken, including Danbooru EX.

The dev console shows three errors

I only see the one error, which is unrelated to the user script.

I just updated to the latest version of Danbooru EX, and for some reason the translation notes of post #1321022 look like this.
Tried using another browser (Opera) with no userscript installed, tags look fine. I am using Chrome on Windows 7, by the way.
Can you please look into it? Thanks!

EDIT: noticed that if I click "Resize to window" tags go in the right place. Pic size doesn't change tho. So basically I am seeing the tags in the place where they'd be with pic fullsize.


This script stopped working for me yesterday. It has been working for years and now it still shows up in Tampermonkey as being active, but doesn't do anything to the page whatsoever. I can turn it on and off with no difference. Does anyone else has this problem? (does anyone else still uses it?)

I'd like to hope that it's possible to reach out to the developer and have them fix it, but given it's been many years since any activity here, I'm not sure how positive I should be on the matter.


Yoksven said:

This script stopped working for me yesterday. It has been working for years and now it still shows up in Tampermonkey as being active, but doesn't do anything to the page whatsoever. I can turn it on and off with no difference. Does anyone else has this problem? (does anyone else still uses it?)

I'd like to hope that it's possible to reach out to the developer and have them fix it, but given it's been many years since any activity her, I'm not sure how positive I should be on the matter.

Good luck at that. This script is abandonware.

I thought about maintaining that script myself, but the fact that it's built from a project of scripts instead of being maintained as a single monolithic script makes it unappetizing for myself at least.

Well. Even though there was no indication of the author's activity here or on github, the extention is back online. Somehow. Was it a miracle? Is the author just a hardcore lurker? Did danbooru changed something in api that made it work again? Who knows, but thanks to whatever it was.

The author is evazion, who since creating this extension has become the owner of the site, which is why development for the extension stopped (he went on to add most features to the site itself).

The extension still works, you just need to reload the page twice now for some reason.

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