
Post appeals

Posted under Bugs & Features
This has to do with this link.
I don't know if this was ever discussed here, but why are the "true" appeals still listed on that page?
Well, I can probably see why: If one users is appealing a lot, then they should be rewarded for it.
But what is the point in having both "true" als "false" in the same list? Wouldn't it be better to have them seperated in two lists so that it becomes more clear to see what posts need a second check?

And since the appeal page is very well hidden: How about an "appeal" function in that bar : (Sorry for that red border :>).
Maybe only for approver, since they work with that. But this way the "Post Appeals" become easy to access from the main page.

Provence said:

And since the appeal page is very well hidden: How about an "appeal" function in that bar : (Sorry for that red border :>).
Maybe only for approver, since they work with that. But this way the "Post Appeals" become easy to access from the main page.

People seem to disfavour or unapprove for the merest of reasons.

A link on that bar would make a lot more sense than some others.

Listing is exactly the same as clicking on Posts; as almost are Popular and Hot, which are the same but stripped of things other people aren't that keen on. Apart from my blacklist of things I know aren't going to make me happy, I want to see all. Democracy's silly.

And if I need to see my Favorites for some strange reason, I can do so from my Account page.