
Sweat vs. Sweatdrop

Posted under Tags

kuuderes shadow said:

I've always used sweatdrop/sweat based on the reason for the usage rather than the size of it. It seems more useful to me to have the distinction made in that way (and that's what the wiki comes closer to supporting as well).

If someone searches for "sweatdrop" they'll be looking for the reactionary sweatdrop, whereas if someone searches for sweat they'll be looking for characters who are hot, or have just been doing heavy exercise or something. They won't be searching sweat because they want to see something used in exactly the same way as a sweatdrop but that just happens to be slightly smaller than an arbitrary limit.

Differentiate by usage and you get two useful tags. Differentiate by size and you get two useless tags where anyone would have to use ~sweat ~sweatdrop to get what they want to find and end up with a huge amount of noise. Someone with a sweat fetish doesn't want to look through hundreds of pictures of exasperated characters, and someone who finds sweat repulsive doesn't want to block off a whole load of comedy just because the artist happened to draw the sweatdrop a little on the small side.

Not to mention that we have flying sweatdrops which are almost always "sweat" size rather than "sweatdrop" size, if you decide the difference is in the size of it.

I agree with this position

As I mentioned before post #2463935 or post #2458602 is sweatdrop, sweat is for post #2425184 for example. As kuuderes said mostly for searching proposes. It's quite common for artists to draw a singe realistic drop for embarrassed\surprised characters and tagging it sweat will make much noise if you look for sweaty girls (see kuuderes post again). Sweatdrops like post #2403446 are not that common, so I suggest to create a new tag just for them.

Sacriven said:

Like I said before, sweat is an universal tag much like long hair. It doesn't matter how much drops, it'll still be tagged as sweat. Much like long hair who doesn't care any hair colors as long as it's "long".

For now it's not same, you can search *_hair + long hair and find what you want, but definitely can't do the same, if sweatdrop(except large comical ones) and sweat will be merged.

kuuderes shadow said:

Not to mention that we have flying sweatdrops which are almost always "sweat" size rather than "sweatdrop" size, if you decide the difference is in the size of it.

There is also the flying_sweat tag which I thought might need to be emptied or aliased at one point, but then I noticed while cleaning it up that there were a few with a more distinct visual (more circular-shaped and falling down rather than sideways). Hadn't brought up whether it's worth keeping or not, though, as it's not really intuitive (will need a wiki definition if kept separate).