chodorov said:
It would be nice to have a clear definition of what a "western style" is. People have called many of my uploads western styled but I don't see how.
It's difficult to articulate with words, (or rather, I'd have to use far too many words to do so, as I can easily link some extremely long rants about not only what anime style is, but how it has evolved,) but I can pretty strongly intuit the difference between someone who understands anime-style artwork and people who are just doing an imitation of anime-style when they have clearly learned other styles first, and those influence their work. (In particular, I go into a bookstore, and see "how to draw anime" books that are clearly not drawn by anyone who's spent more than ten minutes looking at anime, and obviously has practiced with western comics. They even have clearly non-Yakuza characters with tattoos on the cover...)
Would you mind linking some of those uploads where you had that problem? I'd like to judge for myself.
buehbueh said:
ALL art on Danbooru is judged case by case. It's also judged against the whole. Most people who spend more than a few months coming here get to know its character, what trends are happening and what the fandoms here like. We tolerate differing taste as a matter of compromise.
While your WWW policy comes off sound at first, it's not reasonable from a couple of perspectives:
Western art is always borderline art. Just as furry and guro have both come to carry conditional weight, non-anime and specifically European/American works can fit the standards of design too, even without carrying all the stylization, theme or sourcing. That is what the discussion came to, and there's no giant flood of work. Works that deviate too far are getting flagged, including several I approved a long time before, but I let them go, since it was obvious that there was no way they would be accepted by other approvers. Flagged art that ends up uncontested usually lacks arguable merit from a sufficient standpoint of fitting in, either by the look or the purpose of it. We can't really fit in Warhol stuff for that reason: It's not made for the consumption of the types of fans that come to the site.
Except there is a "conditionally accepted" category for things in the howto:upload for things that are judged on a case-by-case basis that might get in, but have extra scrutiny... and furry and non-anime are not in it, they are in the "rejected" category. (There is very strong warning against guro, but admission that some level will be accepted, which is a fair enough level of clarity.) If you don't want those rules/guidelines to stand, then you should be getting those rules/guidelines changed.
Saying "everything is negotiable" means there are absolutely no rules but what fits the arbitrary whims of whichever janitors happen to see a post, only countered by the number and persistence of flaggers, which is in turn countered only by number of janitors willing to re-approve it.
buehbueh said:
The post that keeps getting flagged on the other hand is not specifically a "western" in the drawn-like-Jack Kirby Batmanesque works made in an office in NYC which deviates into the traditional ink-and-paint art that isn't the norm here. It's official video game work done in Photoshop by a professional for a current IP, using the same tools and general design tropes present in many modern games across both sides of the Pacific. Trying to use hard defining points of "Is it Japanese/Anime" or not is pretty pointless here. Many people do come to this site for both the anime and specific types of non-anime that tend to get approved. I have no doubt that more than a few people here would agree with that point.
The tools used to make artwork have little bearing upon the style of art. By that standard, is official Minecraft art anime? That was made on a computer by a paid professional artist for a gaming IP. I also think there may be more subtelty to the differences in "art tropes" that distinguish Eastern and Western art than you give credit for, here. While anime is more complex than a single style, with Shoujo looking drastically different from the KyoAni standard that reigns today to something deliberately stylized like anything made by SHAFT, each branch of the art style has a clear pedigree and the Japanese tend to have a far stricter view on what forms are acceptable and where they are willing to deviate in style.
Also, saying that people come here for what gets approved is a self-fulfilling prophecy, and a potential Eternal September situation. If we start approving tons of guro art, then guro-art-seeking users will start joining and wanting their guro art uploaded because, hey, that's what they come here for and expect.
Again, the problem is there are no rules but the whims of whoever has the power of approval perpetuating their own tastes. There was a good argument several years ago on these forums about how janitors were becoming a ring species, whose tastes conflicted with one another to the point that conflict over what is and isn't acceptable became inevitable... and it's proven an entirely accurate prediction.