
Resized Images From Other Boorus: To Flag, Or Not To Flag?

Posted under General

Resized image from Yande.Re: post #2432744
Original image from Yande.Re: post #2433267

We're basically hosting an image resized by another image rehosting website, and it's not like it's a duplicate from an original image hosting website like Twitter, Seiga, Pixiv, etc. My initial thought was to flag it, but I wanted to poll the community first.

If it's not to be flagged though, exactly where do we draw the line? Should we start allowing images resized by this website (i.e. Danbooru) to be posted as new images? (BTW, that's just a rhetorical question of an extreme case to show the ridiculousness of the situation...;)

I'm not against it. They're not supposed to be uploaded in the first place. I've mentioned this before (last post in topic #8081), but if possible, trying to upload the sample in the source should be made to fetch the full version (as happens with JPG versions on Yande.Re or sample sizes on Twitter) so that this happens less often.