Maybe a little issue, but this should get attention in my eyes.
Yesterday, NWF Renim posted a comment in the Nude Filter topic forum #117146 and that got me thinking that not only "Nude filter" is insufficient as a reason to flag posts, but also other reasons like "Quality check" or "anatomy check". By now, these are accepted flag reasons, but as an janitor, these are reasons I can't really work with. post #2423073 was flagged with the reason "Quality check".
And other posts like post #2420153 have an even worse reason.
So my proposition is just as Renim said in the commen I mentioned above:
If a quality check is needed, the flagger has to tell us why it needs a quality check. Shouldn't be too hard if the flagger is spotting something that need to be checked in their eyes.
And with that, Janitors/Moderators can work much easier with and it may also lower the shitstorm that is coming up in the comment section of flagged posts if the flagger says why they flagged it