
[Pool] Girls und Pantsu

Posted under General

I want to create a pool for a bunch of related images. They are kinda like a Victoria's Secret catalogue, but with the cast from Girls und Panzer.

I wanted to name it "Girls und Pantsu". Not only does it pun 'panzer' in the anime's title for 'pantsu', one of the characters in the anime actually confuses the word 'panzer' for 'pantsu' when she hears it the first time. However, the guidelines said not to use joke titles... So aside from permission, I'm going to need title suggestions.

Anyway, the images I want to pool are the following:
post #2365763
post #2365764
post #2365766
post #2365767
post #2365768
post #2365770
post #2365771
post #2365773
post #2365774
post #2365815
post #2365820
post #2365848
post #2288751
post #2288749
post #2288748
post #2288746
post #2288417
post #2288416
post #2288415
post #2288413
post #2288412

Pooling these posts will make them easy to link to.