
[bulk] Hammer

Posted under Tags

Mallets are often used to play instruments like the vibraphone and are very different from hammers used commonly to drive nails or cause blunt force trauma. While technically this implication works, I'd be hard pressed to think of a percussive mallet in the same scope as tool hammer or warhammer. Maybe further cleanup of both wikis is a better alternative?
Should I look through and try to populate mallet_(instrument) or does that fall more squarely under 'drumsticks'?

While I was the one who labelled the kine as a sub-type of mallet, for simplicity sake (as people were all tagging them as mallets), there is the question of whether usagi_kine should implicate kine. If usagi_kine were to implicate kine, then the kine -> mallet implication would fall through because usagi kines would be inappropriate for the mallet tag.

I deliberately kept usagi kine and the more common kines separate because of their visual differences, but still a question that needs to be resolved.

As for percussion mallets, probably best to keep them separated from the tool/weapon types.

You're welcome to try and populate a mallet_(instrument) tag. If the similarity between drumsticks is considered too great, it shouldn't be hard to simply mass edit them over to the other tag and nuke the new tag.