

Posted under General

I know it doesn't contribute much to the board, but i was curious. What is the point behind the multiple subdomains (danbooru, hijiribe, etc.)? Are they redirects to different servers in case one goes down, and each of them are flashed with a master image of the latest files on the danbooru server?

Don't get me wrong, I find the concept of how Danbooru's DNS structure works very intriguing, and wanted to know more.

As I recall, Hijiribe and Sonohara are separate servers that are both populated with the same data when both are running, but that split the workload of the site. For instance, one time I recall Hijiribe fell over and the site stopped getting new image thumbnails. It seems like when you use one of the "higher" domains (Danbooru, Safebooru) that you end up utilizing both servers. But, I don't know any of this for sure; just some things I observed and I could certainly be wrong.

It's because of the various servers that users should make their links to things on either with the "automatic" method (post #2330436) or by cutting the top domain off the URL (/posts/2330436) as that way people clicking the link will stay on the subdomain they were on and not have to log in to another.